Freitag, 1. Februar 2013
Rush - Charlotte, NC 30.10.2012
Recorder: UNIVONC
Core Sound Dual DPA 4061 merged into 3 pin XLR into
Mic2496 V2 Portable Mic Pre-amp/A-to-D Converter (coax out)
M-Audio's MicroTrack II Professional 2-Channel Mobile Digital Recorder
Coax out into SPDIF
ScanDisk Extreme III 32 GB compact Flashcard
Recorded in 96khz/24 bit 2 channel stereo
All editing done with Adobe Audition CS5.5
WAV files converted to FLAC 6 via Traders Little Helper
Files torrented will be done thru traders little helper onto uTorrent.
Two torrents will be provided as a 96k/24 and the 44.1k/16
Several things to learn about a Rush Show.
First, the fans in the front 15 rows are avid fans and love to talk about their 30+ shows they have attended.
Second, they like to talk about their 30+ Rush shows they have attended during the show.
Third, they don't stop.....
The music and the fans are not distracting but as the show opened, the Bass was so hard it clipped the first song ("Subdivisions") and the intial one minute of "Big Money" until I cranked it way low.
From there the show was really really good. (see samples)
One point during the show ("caravan") two drunk Rush fans went beyond their seats and were trying to argue why they didnt miss their seat.
Entire "background" lasted about 45 seconds but enough to annoy me.
Beside that, I think the quality overall is a better than my Greensboro show. Shame about the first song.
Setlist was wierd for me.
Personally I love the Clockwork Angels CD and didn't mind that they played almost the whole CD.
Anyway, I digress.
Enjoy, and wish me luck at The Who.
Been hit twice with metal wands and been able to BS my way through both.
Not sure third time is a charm.
If anyone has a hint as to how to get equipment in without getting hit by wands (other than stuffing deep- I do that) please help....
SETLIST (02:48:07)
Set One
0101 Video Intro
0102 Subdivisions
0103 The Big Money
0104 Force Ten
0105 Grand Designs
0106 The Body Electric
0107 Territories
0108 The Analog Kid
0109 Bravado
0110 Where's My Thing?
0111 Far Cry
Set Two, with string section
0201 Video Intro
0202 Caravan
0203 Clockwork Angels
0204 The Anarchist
0205 Carnies
0206 The Wreckers
0207 Headlong Flight
0208 Halo Effect
0209 Seven Cities of Gold
0210 The Garden
0301 Manhattan Project
0302 Drum Solo
0303 Red Sector A
0304 YYZ
0305 The Spirit of Radio
0306 Tom Sawyer
0307 2112 Overture (Parts I-III)
0308 Video Out
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