Dienstag, 19. März 2013
Tarja Turunen Quartet - Mainz, Germany 03.12.2012
Tarja Turunen Quartet
Christmas In The Heart Tour 2012
Mainz, Germany
kurfürstliches Schloss
audience recording
Taper: millslane
Recorder: IRiver H320
Microphone: Soundman OKM 2 with A3 Adapter
Format: 44kHz / 16 bit
Trackpslit and Level adjust with Wavelab 5
Flac encoded with TLH level 8
encoded to mp3
Pie Jesu
Panis Angelicus
En Esti Valtaa Loista
Varpunen Jouluaamuna
Mökit Nukkuu Lumiset (instrumental)
Jul, Jul Stralande Jul
Ave Maria
Christmas Song
White Christmas
Joulupukki Matkaan (instrumental)
Ave Maria
You Would Have Loved This
Walking In The Air
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
Ave Maria
complete show: 77 min.
flac :
mp3 :
The Sword - Portland, OR 07.12.2012
The Sword
Venue: Hawthorne Theater
Location: Portland Oregon
Date: 2012-12-07
Source Info:
Recorder: Zoom Q3HD
Audio Settings: 24-bit, 48 kHz stereo PCM lossless
Storage Media: Kingston 32 GB ultimateX 100X SDHC
Recorded By: Meddle Earth
Transfer: SDHC (.mov file) > SDHC reader > HDD
Audacity (.mov > .wav) > CD Wave Editor (splits) > dBpoweramp (.wav > .flac, tags) > dBpoweramp (.mp3)
Archive Folder: The Sword 2012-12-07 Portland Oregon (master) (FLAC)
Archive Size: 963 MB
Duration: 1 hr 20 min 37 sec
MediaInfo Specs (full details included in specs.txt file):
24-bit 48 kHz stereo lossless audio split into tracks, FLAC, MP3
Setlist Splits:
01 intro > Apocryphon
02 Freya
03 Hammer Of Heaven
04 Codex Corvidae
05 Tres Brujas
06 To Take The Black
07 Cloak Of Feathers
08 The Hidden Masters
09 Dying Earth
10 Maiden, Mother & Crone
12 Seven Sisters
13 Arrows In The Dark
14 The Veil of Isis
15 encore break
16 Barael's Blade
17 Winter's Wolves
18 outro
SOLD OUT SHOW! Hot-n-sweaty winter party with The Sword.
Recording should be pretty good since the sound guy had it
dialed-in after a short bit, and I was in a sweet spot for audio.
Finally got my hands on a bottle of TEARS OF FIRE hot sauce.
Also recorded complete capture of opening band, Gypsyhawk.
Band links:
Link to other original recordings and works in progress:
Stone Sour - Offenbach, Germany 03.12.2012
Stone Sour
Offenbach, Germany
December 3rd, 2012
Source: Church Audio CA-11 cardioids (mounted on cap) > iRiver H340 (rockbox)
Location: Left Side, Row 3, mics mounted on cap and cap hung over seat
Transfer: iRiver H340 > PC > Audition 3.0 (levels, volume boost +25 dB on left, +23 dB on right, fade in/out) > CD Wave (splitting) > dBpoweramp (FLAC Highend Level 8) > MP3
Taper: sckofelng
01. Gone Sovereign [03:45]
02. Absolute Zero [05:50]
03. Mission Statement [04:26]
04. Hell & Consequences [04:14]
05. Orchids [04:56]
06. Made Of Scars [04:27]
07. A Rumor Of Skin [05:29]
08. Reborn [03:22]
09. RU486 [05:26]
10. Say You'll Haunt Me [04:53]
11. Digital (Did You Tell) [04:44]
12. Get Inside [04:41]
13. Nutshell (Alice In Chains cover) [01:50]
14. Bother [05:17]
15. Through Glass [07:17]
16. Blotter [04:51]
17. 30/30-150 [05:44]
Total Runtime: [1:21:12]
Show Notes:
-My second time seeing Stone Sour. Absolutely great show, even more impressive because Corey had a cold.
Recording notes:
-This recording turned out very great in my opinion. I'd like to dedicate this and the Papa Roach recording to William, Jonas, Martin, Ben, Joe and Thomas, you guys know why :)
Scorpions - Oberhausen, Germany 15.12.2012
Oberhausen, Germany
Arenastrasse 1
46047 Oberhausen
15. Dezember 2012
minimax master-series #257
minimax-pre-Christmas-series #002
Master - Audience recording
Ticket-costs: 77,00 Euros
Minimax-Ticket-costs: 20,00 Euros
Parking-costs: sorry, no parking-costs
catering: 1 Lebkuchen-Plätzchen, eaten in hectic at home, due to not much time left to the start of this "event"
Weather-conditions: dark, about 5°C, no rain, no snow
Taping-location: Block 112 Unterrang, Row L, Place 21 on a small Klapp-seat
Sound-quality: excellent
Viewing-condions to the stage: excellent, although there are often many beer-sellers latsching through my Bild.
Audience: not sold out, not as enthusiastic as expected for one of there last ever concerts on there last and only
for the next maybe fifteen years going on-final sting-tour. Some talking guys and women around, some loud beer-sellers
around. Many people left the building a bit early so it was not that "quiet" during the last songs.
The Hall: a big crap - as usual!!
Equipment: Zoom H4N - Sound professional microphones SP-CMC-8 -
SP-SPSB-8 Sound Professionals Mini Battery Module
The concert:
announced as the LAST CONCERT on their final sting-tour in Germany although they played at Munich the day after.
Hmmm...strange!!Nice light show with nice films. Nice cat-walk.
Many space on stage for everyone to walk from here to there and back.
Nice pyrotechnic. All in all everything you can expect going to a Scorpions-concert: Mr. Meine made "The Meine", playing with
his tambourine, pointing his finger hundred of times to any imaginary concert-visitor or playing an aeroplane with
his arms "brrrr! brrrr!",Schenker made "The Schenker" grimassing with his face, holding his guitar in his typical way,
wearing different "hats", Mr. Jabs played "The Jabs" perfectly, grinning or looking strange and posing like he
-as a hard-rocker- has to do. Pawel M. was "The Understatesman" and -yes- then Mr. Kottak kottattacked his drums as
only he can do it.
How could this happen? Minimax again at a Scorps-gig. About 38 years after his first one.
If you would have asked me 90 minutes before that show I would have answered: ???He?? Do they play tonite??
I was at work and still had "Rufbereitschaft" the whole night through and was at work 'til 7 p.m. and coming home
I took a look at the calendar which told me "The Klaus Meine - Band" is up now these minutes at Oberhausen.
So -as a perfect Ehe"man" and perfect secret-agent I asked my wife who allowed me to go over there quickly
(if I pass very gut auf mich auf!! and make no scheisse!), grabbed my equipment
and took 20 Euros for a ticket, more I did not want to spend. I arrived in time, met some nice folks from Oberbayern
who had one ticket they immediately sold me on "The Black Market" for that 20 Euros and I was in.
The support-act was on and left soon and The Scorps entered soon and I sat on my Klappstuhl recording and holding
my telephone in my (still verletzt) left hand always counting on it that I had to leave as sudden as possible for a real
"Notfall" for work again. But I was "a lucky guy" and nothing happended.
And then the only Hard-Rock-Punch-and-Judy-show worldwide opened their set with a huge bang and they gave it all.
Including a real nice drum-solo of Mr. Kottack - illustrated with a nice trip through the Scorps-history.
Huuuh, some exploding-or-smoking- Schenker-guitars and the so much missed (by me missed!!) german Ansagen/announcements
from Klausi: "Oberhausen, come on", "Ich glaube, da will noch einer weiter singen!?" usw.. Oh, mein Gott!!!
And a Scorpions-stage was always a big stage, so they had a lot of space and could geh viel Teita darauf and have some
nice and long walks. Nice, nice, nice. And they spend a long time on stage after the last song shaking hands
and Klaus M. gave autographs and so on. Respect!!
But! I have never ever seen a Heavy-Band that had a singer who got a bundle of roses from someone of the audience.
I hope that it were some Totenkopf-roses otherwise my Weltbild is now really completely destroyed!!!
Now -as I have been there for one LAST time- they can set sich zur Ruhe and everyone is zufrieden.
This torrent is with included Cover-and-Label-Artwork! Homebaked in these Pre-Christmas-times, of course!!
Klaus Meine - Vocals
Rudolf Schenker - Guitars
Matthias Jabs - Guitars
James Kottak - Drums
Pawel Maciwoda - Bass
Setlist:(thanks to Jano75 for it)
Sting in the Tail
Make It Real
Is There Anybody There?
The Zoo
Coast to Coast
Loving You Sunday Morning
We'll Burn the Sky
The Best Is Yet to Come
Send Me an Angel
Raised on Rock
Tease Me Please Me
Hit Between the Eyes
Kottak Attack
Six String Sting
Big City Nights
Still Loving You
Wind of Change
Rock You Like a Hurricane
This one is for you!!
Rock on!! Forever!!
.and this one is -of course- dedicated to those who grabbed some autographs from this band way back in 1976 on the floor of the Westfalenhalle Dortmund.
Support this band
Buy their records on vinyl
Go to their concerts, hmm, can be difficult from now on...
Do not sell. For trading only. ..and -of course- for fun!
One Direction - Uncasville, CT 01.12.2012
One Direction
Arena @ Mohegan Sun Casino
Uncasville, CT
December 01, 2012
2013 "Take Me Home" world tour preview concert (second night)
Camryn opened
Source info:
Sennheiser ME-104's>Tascam DR-07 (16/44.1, 40hz bass rolloff)
>USB> PC> GoldWave v5.56 (invert, balance levels)> CDWaveEditor v1.96 (track split)> TLH> Flac (6)> MP3
Taper: Ringfedder, supposedly
Location: Can't Remember
Sound Quality: Very Good
01. Up All Night
02. Na Na Na
03. Stand Up
04. I Wish
05. Teenage Dirtbag (Wheatus cover)
06. Gotta Be You
07. More Than This
08. Live While We're Young
09. Tell Me a Lie
10. Everything About You
11. - Twitter Questions -
12. Moments
13. I Want
14. Save You Tonight
15. Little Things
16. One Thing
17. Kiss You
18. C'Mon, C'Mon
19. What Makes You Beautiful
The Band:
Niall Horan - vocals, guitar
Zayn Malik - vocals
Liam Payne - vocals
Harry Styles - vocals
Louis Tomlinson - vocals
Jon Shone - keyboards
Sandy Beales - bass
Josh Devine - drums
Dan Richards - guitar
Hello Everyone
"Ringfedder, wake up man, you're having a bad dream."
"What, what happened to me? I gave Alice and her friends a ride to the casino last night for some 'boy band' show at the arena . I was wandering around the shops and the last thing I remember is getting caught up in a crowd if screaming teens. I must have been knocked out or something."
"Dude, you were singing 'It's gotta be you, Only you, It's gotta be you, Oh only you'. Should we take you to the hospital?
"No way"
"This isn't good"
"To make matters worse Ring, you have a recording of the show!"
"WTF!, I honestly don't remember a thing. How's the recording sound?"
"What do care how it sounds, it's not like The Who or something good like that?"
"Ya, you're right, I'll just delete it"
Hey, this doesn't sound half bad considering the circumstances. Maybe, if every kid at this show or parent of a kid at this show downloaded the torrent, we'll have a 'most snatched' on our hands! Ya, right. Well at least my daughter and her friends will have a cool piece to remember this night by, even if I can't.
Nightwish - Buenos Aires, Argentina 15.12.2012
Imaginaerum World Tour
Venue: El teatro de Flores
City: Buenos Aires
Country: Argentina
Date: 2012.12.15
Recorded by eltiburon (2012.12.15)
Mastered by eltiburon (2012.12.17)
Shared by eltiburon (2012.12.18)
Lineage: Zoom Q3HD (PCM 44.100Khz. 16Bits) > PC > iZotope RX (EQ. + GAIN) > Wave splitter > dBpoweramp Music Converter > FLAC 8 > MP3
Do not sell this recording.
Band members:
Tuomas Holopainen - Keyboards
Marco Hietala - Bass & Vocals
Jukka Nevalainen - Drums
Emppu Vuorinen - Guitars
Floor Jansen - Vocals
Troy Donockley - Pipes, flutes & whistles
01. Crimson tide (2:53)
02. Storytime (5:24)
03. Dark chest of wonders (5:28)
04. Wish I had an angel (5:17)
05. Amaranth (4:50)
06. Dead to the world (4:34)
07. Ever dream (5:26)
08. I want my tears back (6:20)
09. Nemo (4:40)
10. Last of the wilds (6:37)
11. Planet hell (4:45)
12. Ghost river (5:40)
13. Over the hills and far away (7:21)
14. Ghost love score (11:26)
15. Wishmaster (6:52)
16. Last ride of the day (4:34)
17. Imagenaerum (6:33)
Motorhead - Ljubljana, Slovenia 10.12.2012
Hala Tivoli
Ljubljana, Slovenia
01 I Know How To Die
02 Damage Case
03 Stay Clean
04 Metropolis
05 Over The Top
06 Guitar Solo
07 The Chase Is Better Than The Catch
08 Rock It
09 You Better Run
10 The One To Sing The Blues
11 Going To Brazil
12 Killed By Death
13 Ace Of Spades
14 Encore Break
15 Are You Ready
16 Overkill
Complete show, 77 minutes approx.
Excellent audience recording
(Olympus LS-10)
Line up as usual in the last decade or two (Lemmy, Phil, Mikkey).
The one before last show of the The World Is Yours 2012 tour.
After hearing this show I agree with some very positive fan reviews
of this tour that I read online. This is my 3rd Motörhead show and
definitely the best. The sound is unusually clear and you can hear guitar riffs
(and other instruments) very clearly. Also, the sound was not too loud, which
was also unusual for the recent Motörhead and it was a nice reminder of
Fast Eddie era. Personally, I think Motörhead sounds much better when
it's not too loud, because when it's too loud it's just a wall of noise
and you can't hear any instrument clearly, and you can't understand any word
Lemmy sings.
Share and enjoy! Do not sell!
Buy official releases too and support the artists!
Profesor Z
Morbid Angel - Leeuwarden, Netherlands 26.12.2012
Band: Morbid Angel (with Fueled By Fire, Nile & Kreator)
Date: 2012.December.16
Venue: Schaaf City Theater
Location: Leeuwarden, Netherlands
AT-P12102(cards)/SP-CMC-8 > SP-SPSB-11 (no roll-off) > Roland R-09HR > SDHC SanDisk Ultra >
Adobe Audition CS6 (Normalize, splits) > WAVE 16bit 44.1kHz > TLH (MD5) > FLAC > MP3
01. Immortal Rites
02. Fall From Grace
03. Rapture
04. Pain Divine
05. Maze of Torment
06. Existo Vulgoré
07. Nevermore
08. Lord of All Fevers and Plague
09. Chapel of Ghouls
10. Where the Slime Live
11. Bil Ur-Sag
12. God of Emptiness
13. World of Shit (The Promised Land)
Approx. 66 min.
Third act of the evening and Trey got struck with some guitar problems at the start of the set until Nevermore, after that it seemed to be ok. Setlist.fm says Dawn of the Angry was played, but I don't seem to notice it.
David Vincent – Vocals, Bass
Trey Azagthoth – Guitar
Destructhor – Guitar
Tim Yeung – Drums
Guns N' Roses - Tokyo, Japan 18.12.2012
Guns N' Roses
2012-12-18-Zepp Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Sound Professionals UE-H ==> AT-ADAPT ==> Sound Professionals AT933 ==> SP-SPSB-6(9v)
==> Sony PCM-M10(24bit/48kHz) ==> EQ ==> Wave Hammer ==> Flac(16bit/48kHz) ==>MP3
Taper : mini
Uploader : Popstar12345
01.Chinese Democracy
02.Welcome to the Jungle
03.It's So Easy
04.Mr. Brownstone
07.Rocket Queen
08.Blacklight Jesus of Transylvania
09.Live and Let Die
10.This I Love
11.Used to Love Her
13.No Quarter
14.Catcher in the Rye
15.Street of Dreams
16.You Could Be Mine
17.DJ Ashba Guitar Solo(Mi Amor)
18.Sweet Child O' Mine
19.Another Brick in the Wall Part 2
20.Someone Saved My Life Tonight ~ November Rain
22.Don't Cry
24.The Seeker(The Who cover)
25.Civil War
26.Knockin' on Heaven's Door(Bob Dylan cover)
29.Don't Let It Bring You Down(Neil Young cover)
31.Whole Lotta Rosie
35.Paradise City
Buy the release and support the artist
My site:
Blue Oyster Cult - NYC, NY 17.12.2012 (Webcast Show)
Blue Oyster Cult
iHeart Radio Webcast Show
iHeart Radio Theatre
New York City , New York
December 17 , 2012
(Radio Webcast)
notes from the uploader ! :
I have no info on how this was recorded :
I got this from the FAN FORUM from "weavil" in dropbox.co > my HD >
CD Wave Editor 48khz/24bit > 44khz/16bit & Track Split > TLH ( Flac 8 ) > MP3
Good show and sound , they seem to be in hurry up mode though . No bass/drum solo in Godzilla, no Reaper guitar intro , shorter solos throughout the show,
still worth the download .
Setlist: 76:10:08
01. Intro
02. Interview
03. Band Intro
04. R.U. Ready 2 Rock
05. Golden Age Of Leather
06. Burnin' For You
07. This Ai'nt The Summer Of Love
08. Shooting Shark
09. Cities On Flame
10. Career Of Evil
11. The Vigil
12. Black Blade
13. Godzilla
14. (Don't Fear) The Reaper
B.O.C. :
Eric Bloom - Vocals/Guitar/Keys
Donald "Buck Dharma" Roeser - Lead Guitar/Vocals
Richie Castellano - Guitar/Keys
Jules Radino - Drums
Kasim Sulton - Bass
flac :
mp3 :
Blue Oyster Cult - Jim Thorpe, PA 07.12.2012 (Source 2)
Blue Oyster Cult
Penns Peak
Jim Thorpe
December 7, 2012
Thi IS NOT the same source as "chadhogg"
Recorded by bcironmaiden - Sound is Great !!!
Recorded w/ SP-CMC-8 Sound Professionals Deluxe Audio Technica Cardioid Stereo Microphones >
SP-SPSB-1 Sound Professionals Mini Battery Module > Olympus LS-10 Linear PCM Recorder HD > CD Wave
Editor 48khz/24bit > 44khz/16bit & Track Split > TLH ( Flac 8 ) > MP3
GREAT show by BOC ... LIKE ALWAYS !!!!! I went to this show knowing DAMN WELL I had to get up at 3AM for a 12hr shift at work the next day , I paid for
it too !!! 1 1/2hr sleep 12hr shift 45min drive to work...each way ! It's BOC so , well worth it !!
One thing I would like to add here though , I know we are all there to see Buck go wild on the guitar ( I know I am ), but I am glad they are giving
Richie his time in the spotlight too, he is an amazing musician !!
02.R.U. Ready 2 Rock
03.Golden Age of Leather
04.Burnin' for You
05.Career of Evil
06.Shooting Shark
07.ME 262
08.Dancin' in the Ruins
09.Last Days of May
10.Godzilla - w/Bass & Drum Solo
11.(Don't Fear) The Reaper - w/Buck Intro
12.Encore Break
13.Summa Cum Laude
14.Hot Rails to Hell
Blue Oyster Cult :
Eric Bloom - Vocals/Guitar/Keys
Donald "Buck Dharma" Roeser - Lead Guitar/Vocals
Richie Castellano - Guitar/Keys/Vocals on Hot Rails
Jules Radino - Drums
Kasim Sulton - Bass
Sonntag, 17. März 2013
UFO - Agoura Hills, CA 24.11.2012
Canyon Club,
Agoura Hills, CA
November 24, 2012
Source info:
AT943 cards>CA-9100>Sony PCM-M10(24/96)>Adobe Audition(normalize, resample/dither to 16/44.1)>CDWaveEditor 1.96>TLH>Flac>MP3
Taper: David Sell
Location: 40' front of left stack
Sound Quality: Excellent
01. Intro
02. Light's Out
03. Mother Mary
04. Fright Night
05. Wonderland
06. I'm a Loser
07. Let it Roll
08. Cherry
09. Burn Your House Down
10. Only You Can Rock Me
11. Love to Love
12. Venus
13. Too Hot to Handle
14. Rock Bottom
15. Doctor Doctor
16. ~encore aplause~
17. Shoot Shoot
Another FUCKING amazing show by one of my favorite bands! The taping Gods were indeed smiling upon us this night too. A couple great seats opened up just before the start that kept me free of the aisle, and the yackers. The crowd was enthusiastic and energetic. Nothing to distract from this recording, except an occasional woowoo guy(what's up with that guys?) Just stop it, please... The mix was great all vocals and instruments present and accounted for! Crank it up!!
My buddy Matt shot HD video and I've got a double-layer DVD ready to up here if there is sufficient interest. Video samples can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHKjxeZOm-A
Phil Mogg - Vocals
Vinnie Moore - Guitar
Rob De Luca - Bass
Paul Raymond - Keyboard, Rhythm Guitar
Andy Parker - Drums
As always, NEVER for sale, trade freely, and always support the artist' commercial endeavors.
UFO - Milwaukee, WI 16.11.2012
Shank Hall
Milwaukee, WI
November 16, 2012
CA-14(c) > CA-9100 > Sony M10 (line-in 24/44.1) > USB > Cool Edit Pro (slight EQ, fades, gain boost) > iZotope RX Advanced (dither) > CDWAV > FLAC > MP3
Lights Out
Mother Mary
Fight Night
Out in The Street
Let It Roll
Mojo Town
Burn Your House Down
Only You Can Rock Me
Love To Love
Too Hot To Handle
Rock Bottom
Doctor Doctor
Shoot Shoot
Phil Mogg: Vocals
Paul Raymond: Rythym Guitar/ Keyboards
Andy Parker Drums
Vinnie Moore: Lead Guitar
Rob De Luca: Bass
UFO - Chicago, IL 15.11.2012
House Of Blues
Time: 114:34
Quality: A+/A
Taped: Sonic Studios DSM-6s> Custom Battery Box> Edirol R-09hr
Transferred: R-09hr> Usb>Magix ACL> Flac> MP3
Location: 20ft Back, 15ft left of center front of stack
Taped & Transferred: MarkE
Lights Out
Mother Mary
Fight Night
Out in The Street
Let It Roll
Mojo Town
Burn Your House Down
Only You Can Rock Me
Love To Love
Too Hot To Handle
Rock Bottom
Doctor Doctor
Shoot Shoot
Phil Mogg: Vocals
Paul Raymond: Rythem Guitar/ Keyboards
Andy Parker Drums
Vinnie Moore: Lead Guitar
Rob De Luca: Bass
1st night of the US tour. Great show. The band sounded great and the sound at HOB is always top notch. One oddity to this show. Towards the end of the show, Phil seemed a little out of it. He didn't sing a verse on Doctor Doctor. He just stood there with his hands on his thighs. During Shoot Shoot, he didn't sing for quite some time. Just standing there. Vinnie then took over and they jammed for a while. It was a little strange. The new stuff is good and this recording came out great!
The Sword - Atlanta, GA 21.11.2012
The Sword
The Masquerade (Heaven)
Atlanta, GA
November 21, 2012
Sony PCM-M10>PC>Adobe Audition 1.0>TLH
Taped & Mastered by : Shockadow / orsyn0
01 Apocryphon
02 Freya
03 Hammer of Heaven
04 Codex Corvidae
05 Tres Brujas
06 Maiden, Mother & Crone
07 Cloak of Feathers
08 The Hidden Masters
09 Dying Earth
10 To Take the Black
11 Seven Sisters
12 Eyes of the Stormwitch
13 Arrows in the Dark
14 Veil of Isis
15 <Encore Break>
16 <Banter>
17 Barael's Blade
18 Winter's Wolves
**** The bass from the PA cuts in and out at times towards the end of the show. The right side facing the stage was fine, but we recorded from the left side, and that side had the problems. It's not as noticeable on the recording as it was live. The show overall was very bass heavy (tone it down a bit guys, your overall sound would be better!). I did my best to correct it on the recording without affecting the music. ****
Please support the bands by seeing them live, and purchasing their albums.
Please DO NOT profit off of this recording. Share the music!
The Sword - Cambridge, MA 16.11.2012
The Sword
Middle East Downstairs
Cambridge, MA
Taped by opsopcopolis
Sony ECM-907 > Sony Hi-MD
01. Apocryphon
02. Freya
03. Hammer of Heaven
04. Codex Corvidae
05. Tres Brujas
06. To Take The Black
07. Cloak of Feathers
08. The Hidden Masters
09. Dying Earth
10. Maiden, Mother, and Crone
11. Seven Sisters
12. Arrows in The Dark
13. The Horned Goddess
14. The Veil of Isis
15. Encore Break
16. Barael's Blade
17. Winter's Wolves
Rolling Stones - London, England 25.11.2012
Rolling Stones O2 25-11-2012 - Mastered for CD (16bit/44.1kHz)
Mastering done with Adobe Audition
Steps :
1) Multiband compressor & EQ
2) Left & right channels balance (when necessary)
3) Very light limiting (to avoid clipping) & amplification (+12dB)
4) Resampling (44100Hz) / Files saved to WAV (16bit/44.1kHz)
Mastered tracks infos :
Duration : 2:25:16
Sample rate : 44100 Hz
Channels : 2
Bits per sample : 16
Tracklisting :
01. Intro
02. I Wanna Be Your Man
03. Get Off Of My Cloud
04. It's All Over Now
05. Paint It Black
06. Gimme Shelter (with Mary J. Blige)
07. Wild Horses
08. All Down The Line
09. I'm Going Down (with Jeff Beck)
10. Out Of Control
11. One More Shot
12. Doom And Gloom
13. It's Only Rock'n Roll (But I Like It) (with Bill Wyman)
14. Honky Tonk Women (with Bill Wyman)
15. Band Introductions
16. Before They Make Me Run
17. Happy
18. Midnight Rambler (with Mick Taylor)
19. Miss You
20. Start Me Up
21. Tumbling Dice [incomplete]
22. Brown Sugar
23. Sympathy For The Devil
24. You Can't Always Get What You Want (with London Youth Choir)
25. Jumpin' Jack Flash
Mastered for CD by kowalski for IORR Stones enthusiasts.
Many Thanks to Bol from IORR for sharing his excellent recording!
Sonata Arctica - Aschaffenburg, Germany 13.11.2012
Colos Saal
Aschaffenburg, Germany
November 12, 2012
Source: Audience Zoom H2 Recording
Taped by: SF
Transferred by: SF
Sony Mic ECM 717 > Zoom H2 > 16/44 > CD Wave > dbpoweramp > Flac Level 8 > MP3
Tony Kakko - Vocals, Keyboards
Elias Viljanen - Guitar
Marko Paasikoski - Bass
Henrik Klingenberg - Keyboards, Backing Vocals
Tommy Portimo - Drums
01 Intro (Wildfire, Part: III - … MoreWildfire Town, Population: 0)
02 Only The Broken Hearts (Make You Beautiful)
03 Black Sheep
04 Alone In Heaven
05 Losing My Insanity
06 Broken
07 The Gun
08 The Day
09 I Have A Right
10 Tallulah (Acoustic)
11 The Dead Skin (Acoustic)
12 Wanted Dead Or Alive (Jon Bon Jovi Cover - Acoustic)
13 Paid In Full
14 Shitload Of Money
15 Replica
16 Full Moon
17 Cinderblox
18 Don't Say A Word w/ Vodka
19 Outro
NOTES: SF Master Recording Series !
Please Feel Free To Create Artwork !
This Is Intended For Free Trade Only.
Do Not Buy Or Sell !
Support The Band Buying Their Stuff !
Visit & Enjoy Forthcoming Shows !
Scorpions - Reims, France 22.11.2012
Band : Scorpions
Date : 2012-11-22 (22 Novembre 2012)
Venue : Parc des Expositions
City : Reims, France
Lineage: SP-CMC-2 > Battery-box SP-SPSB-8 > Zoom H2 WAV44.1kHz/16bit > Adobe Audition (small EQ'ing, fade in/out) > CD Wave (Track-Splitting) > Flac Level 8 (44.1kHz/16bit) > Foobar2000 (tagging) > MP3
Taper : PH
Master n°73
Location : Centre, 10m from the stage
Opener : Electric Ducks (also recorded)
Disc 1 : TRT 1:09:28
01 - Sting in the Tail
02 - Make it Real
03 - Is There Anybody There?
04 - The Zoo
05 - Coast to Coast
06 - Loving You Sunday Morning
07 - The Best is Yet to Come
08 - Send Me an Angel
09 - Holiday
10 - Raised on Rock
11 - Tease Me, Please Me
12 - Hit Between The Eyes
13 - Kottak Attack
Disc 2 : TRT 0:36:46
01 - Blackout
02 - Big City Nights
03 - Rappels
04 - Still Loving You
05 - Wind of Change
06 - Rock You Like a Hurricane
Total : 1:46:14
*** Do not buy or sell ***
*** Support the artists you like, buy their official stuff & go to the gigs. ***
Rush - Los Angeles, CA 19.11.2012
"Clockwork Angeles"
Gibson Amphitheatre,
Los Angeles, CA
November 19, 2012
Lineage: CA-14 (cardioids) > CA-9200 > GAKables mini starquad > Edirol R-09HR (@ 24bit/96kHz) > Audacity (fades, track splits, amplify, eq, export as 16bit/44.1kHz) > TLH (flac level 8) > MP3
Taper: klingklang
Location: Mezzanine 24, Row A
Set One:
01. intro film "Gearing Up"
02. Subdivisions
03. The Big Money
04. Force Ten
05. Grand Designs
06. The Body Electric
07. Territories
08. The Analog Kid
09. Bravado
10. Where's My Thing?
11. Far Cry
Set Two:
12. intro film "The Appointment"
13. Caravan
14. Clockwork Angels
15. The Anarchist
16. Carnies
17. The Wreckers
18. Headlong Flight
19. Halo Effect
20. Seven Cities Of Gold
21. The Garden
22. Manhattan Project
23. The Percussor
24. Red Sector A
25. YYZ
26. The Spirit Of Radio
27. Tom Sawyer
28. 2112: Overture/Temples Of Syrinx/Grand Finale
29. outro film "Office Of The Watchmaker"
30. Tom Sawyer (polka PA exit music)
Clockwork Angels tour.
This was my 17th Rush show and it was absolutely mindblowing. To me, this one was all about Alex. By his solo in "Force Ten," you could tell he was just having a blast and all of his solos were exceptional (particularly on "The Analog Kid" and "Bravado"). Neil is always outstanding and I liked how he had three separate solos, with the main solo, "The Percussor," offering something different than what he has done in the past (makes me wish Rush would write a song in that style). As for Geddy...well, his voice was probably the weakest I'd heard by him. On the other hand, his playing was top notch, especially on "Where's My Thing?" which is always such a great song to witness live. Speaking of songs, I'd done my best to avoid spoilers of this year's setlist (which was difficult, considering this show was near the end of the North American tour), so I was suprised by the '80s-centric selection of the first set. That era doesn't annoy me like it does a lot of people (this was the second year in a row I had someone behind me make disparaging, pre-show remarks about the GUP, PW and HYF years). But I have always thought those albums contain some excellent songs and I found it nice to hear things like "The Body Electric," "Territories" and "Manhattan Project" at this show. It was also fantastic to hear "The Analog Kid," which made me so happy because I love that song so much. I also loved how CA was showcased on its own during the second set, rather than breaking it up throughout the show. And the addition of the string section was a classy touch, but sadly, one could barely hear them. They came through a little louder by "The Garden" (which I feel is one of the greatest Rush songs ever written) on through "YYZ," but after that, they were gone. As a side note, this was Rush's third tour in a row performing at the Gibson Amphitheatre, which I am extremely thankful for, and I hope they will be able to play here one last time before the venue is demolished.
As to the crowd noise, the man to my left you might hear yawn and clear his throat a couple times in the show. His is also the loudest clapping you will hear (it's at its loudest during "The Spirit Of Radio"). The man to my right was a little louder since he preferred to woop than applaud. Fortunately, he kept most of his wooping to between songs, but he did woop in "Subdivisions," "The Analog Kid," "Caravan," "The Anarchist," "YYZ" and in "2112." The wooper also talks to his friend during the first half of "Caravan" and a teensy bit in "Seven Cities." There were also some talkers two to three seats to my left and they can be heard the most in "The Big Money," "Force Ten," "The Body Electric," "Clockwork Angels," "The Wreckers" and "2112." One of them also likes to sing along, but I found it to be only lightly noticeable in "Grand Designs," "Headlong Flight," "Halo Effect" and "The Spirit Of Radio." There is also phasing in "Subdivisions," "Caravan" and the polka version of "Tom Sawyer" as people passed by me in the row.
I applied eq to the loud explosion points in the show and amplified this recording. Even though I feel this needs some bottom end, I didn't want to mess with it, so please adjust your eq to your liking. And if burning to cd, I would suggest that the first disc be the first set, and that the second and third disc be split between "The Garden" and "Manhattan Project."
I took a lot of photos and have included a selection for your viewing pleasure. If you'd like to see more pics from the evening, please refer to my photo set at http://www.flickr.com/photos/kling_klang/
Thank you to G3 for the ticket and to mixter_ for the poster.
This is for my brother.
Do not sell or buy this recording. Trade freely.
Thank you to all the Rush tapers, traders and seeders in the world.
Please support the band by buying their official releases and merch, and seeing them live if you can. And be sure to pick up this year's most excellent studio album, Clockwork Angels.
Geddy Lee - bass, vocals, synthesizers
Alex Lifeson - guitar, backing vocals, keyboard
Neil Peart - drums, percussion
The Clockwork Angels String Ensemble:
David Campbell - conductor
Joel Derouin - violin
Gerry Hilera - violin
Jonathan Dinklage - violin
Entcho Tudorov - violin
Mario De Leon - violin
Audrey Solomon - violin
Jacob Szekely - cello
Adele Stein - cello
Rush - Atlanta, GA 01.11.2012 (As If To Fly)
Rush - As If To Fly
Verizon Wireless Amp.
Atlanta, Ga.
Audience Digital Master
Equipment: CA-11 mics >SP-SPSB-8 >Roland R-05
Location: Sec 3 Row N
Taper : CE_34
Mastering: rn
Disc 1
01 Gearing Up
02 Subdivisions
03 The Big Money
04 Force Ten
05 Grand Designs
06 Limelight
07 Territories
08 The Analog Kid
09 The Pass
10 Where's My Thing?
11 Far Cry
Disc 2
12 The Appointment
13 Caravan
14 Clockwork Angels
15 The Anarchist
16 Carnies
17 The Wreckers
18 Headlong Flight*
19 Alex Solo*
20 Halo Effect*
21 Wish Them Well*
22 The Garden*
Disc 3
23 Dreamline*
24 The Percussor*
25 Red Sector A*
26 YYZ*
27 The Spirit Of Radio*
28 Tom Sawyer*
29 2112*
30 Ga-Nome Party*
* Sourced in from rn's recording from the same date
Special Guests:
The Clockwork Angels String Ensemble
Conducted by David Campbell
Joel Derouin - Gerry Hilera - Jonathan Dinklage
Entcho Tudorov - Mario De Leon - Audrey Solomon
Jacob Szekely - Adele Stein
Security was practicaly non-existant going thru the gates."As If To Fly" over the fence ! Also another reference to the title was a concern for a friend driving from up North to attend the show.I wasn't sure he was going to make it on time.His arrival at 7:20 was a treat and clue that he had stomped the gas along the way !
It turned out to be quite a chilly evening (for the South anyway).Donning a leather coat and scarf,Geddy came well prepared.Alex kept trying to warm his fingers between songs. By the third song in, they were warmed up.The stage flames gave us in the crowd a small bit of relief during the show as well. The crowd was very well behaved and talking was minimal.Thank You everyone (friends old and new) that made this a fantastic experience !
Technical Issue :
My card filled up faster than expected ! It shut down after the "The Wreckers". The source was granted by rn to fill in to make this a complete show.
Thank You,in the biggest way possible, goes out to rn for mastering and the source loan Also for his hospitality during our stay in Atlanta !
Artwork included
I hope you enjoy it !
Rob Zombie - Manchester, UK 27.11.2012
Rob Zombie
Twins Of Evil Tour 2012 with Marilyn Manson
MCR Arena, Manchester, UK 2012-11-27
Set list
01 Intro - Sawdust in the Blood
02 Jesus Frankenstein
03 Superbeast
04 Meet the Creeper
05 Living Dead Girl
06 More Human Than Human
07 Theme for an Angry Red Planet
08 Mars Needs Women
09 Drum Solo
10 Never Gonna Stop (The Red, Red Kroovy)
11 Sick Bubble-Gum
12 Scum of the Earth
13 Pussy Liquor
14 Thunder Kiss '65
15 Guitar Solo
16 School's Out
17 Lords Of Salem trailer
18 Dragula
19 Band introductions
Band Line-up
Rob Zombie – vocals
John 5 – guitar, vocals
Piggy D. – bass, vocals
Ginger Fish - drums
Sound Professionals SP-CMC-8 Microphones
Sound Professionals SP-SPSB-11 Mini Battery Module with Bass Roll-Off (69Hz)
Edirol R-09HR 44.1kHz / 16 bit
USB>PC>CD Wave Editor>Trader's Little Helper>FLAC level 8>MP3
Rob Zombie & Marilyn Manson 'Twins Of Evil' tour 2012
Please do not sell this recording but share freely and enjoy it!
Pentagram - Gothenburg, Sweden 07.11.2012
Band: Pentagram
Date: November 7th 2012
Location: Gothenburg Sweden
Venue: Truckstop Alaska (http://www.truckstopalaska.com/)
Source: Stealth Recording
Taper: kravad
Equipment: Audio Technica Microphones (AT943 Omnis Low Sens Modded) -> Soundprofessionals Batterybox (SP-SPSB-10) -> Sony Digital Recorder (PCM-M10) @ 24bit/48khz
Lineage: Micro SDHC Card -> PC -> Soundforge 10 (Normalized, Volume raised, Bass removed) -> Audacity (Dither 16bit/44khz) -> CDWave (Tracksplits) -> Traders Little Helper (Flac level 8/SBE Fix) -> MP3
02.Death row.
03.All your sins.
04.Wolfs blood.
05.Sign of the wolf.
06.The ghoul.
07.Forever my queen.
08.Youre lost im free.
09.The deist.
10.Run my course.
12.Treat me right.
13.20 buck spin.
14.Dying world.
16.Nothing left.
Total playing time: 79 minutes 21 seconds.
Recording notes: Pentagram playing live at Truckstop Alaska 2012.
Venue was sold out, long line outside to get in.
They played as the main event with Pet The Preacher from Denmark as warmups.
Some claps whistles and hollering is heard, like any live recording should have in moderate amounts.
Crazy loud music and crazy loud wild crowd, both recorder and me got knocked around a bit but both of us endured.
Almost 80 minutes from the doom lords, enjoy!
Motörhead - Offenbach, Germany 26.11.2012
Offenbach, Germany
audience recording
Taper: millslane
Recorder: IRiver H320
Microphone: Sony ECM 719
Format: 44kHz / 16 bit
Trackpslit and Level adjust with Wavelab 5
Flac encoded with TLH level 8
I Know How to Die
Damage Case
Stay Clean
Over the Top
Dr. Rock
Guitar Solo
The Chase Is Better Than the Catch
Rock It
You Better Run
The One to Sing the Blues
Going to Brazil
Killed by Death
Ace of Spades
Encore Break
Are You Ready (Thin Lizzy cover)
complete show: 79 min.
Motorhead - Paris, France 21.11.2012
Le zénith
taper: Moka17
2x CA11 > CA BB > EdirolR09HR > Adobe Audition 4.0 > xACT 2.20 > Flac8 > MP3
01 I Know How to Die
02 Damage Case
03 Stay Clean
04 Metropolis
05 Over the Top
06 Dr Rock
07 Guitar Solo
08 The Chase Is Better Than the Catch
09 Rock It
10 You better run
11 The One to Sing the Blues
12 Going to Brazil
13 Killed by Death
14 Ace of Spades
15 (encore break)
16 Are you Ready ?
17 (Band introductions)
18 Overkill
Lemmy Kilmister – bass, vocals
Phil Campbell – guitar
Mikkey Dee – drums
Motorhead - Manchester, UK 06.11.2012
O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK 2012-11-06
Set list
Disc 1
01 Intro
02 I Know How to Die
03 Damage Case
04 Stay Clean
05 Metropolis
06 Over the Top
07 One Night Stand
08 Guitar Solo
09 Rock It
10 Sacrifice
11 The Chase Is Better Than the Catch
Disc 2
01 The One to Sing the Blues
02 Drum Solo
03 The One to Sing the Blues (reprise)
04 You Better Run
05 Going to Brazil
06 Killed by Death
07 Ace of Spades
08 Orgasmatron
09 Band introductions
10 Overkill
Band Line-up
Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister – bass, vocals
Phil Campbell – guitar, vocals
Mikkey Dee – drums
Sound Professionals SP-CMC-8 Microphones
Sound Professionals SP-SPSB-11 Mini Battery Module with Bass Roll-Off (69Hz)
Edirol R-09HR 44.1kHz / 16 bit
USB>PC>CD Wave Editor>Trader's Little Helper>FLAC level 8>MP3
2nd night of Motörhead's 10 date UK tour
Please do not sell this recording but share freely and enjoy it!
Morbid Angel - Cracow, Poland 29.11.2012
Artist: Morbid Angel
Date: 2012-11-29
Location: Poland, Cracow - Fabryka
Taper: Soberonez
Equipment: SP-CMC-8 (3-Wire Mod)
DIY Battery Box
Zoom H2
Lineage: SP-CMC-8 > DIY Battery Box > Zoom H2 > WAV (16-bit/44.1KHz) > Sony Sound Forge Pro 10 > Trader's Little Helper v2.7.0 > FLAC (8) > MP3
Editing: Sony Sound Forge Pro 10 (Normalization, Volume boost, EQ correction, Stereo Tool, Fade In/Out, Track splitting)
Tracklist: Immortal Rites
Fall From Grace
Pain Divine
Maze of Torment
Existo Vulgoré
Lord of All Fevers and Plague
Chapel of Ghouls
Dawn of the Angry
Where the Slime Live
Bil Ur-Sag
God of Emptiness
World of Shit (The Promised Land)
Length: 01:11:08
Notes: Recorded around 6-7 meters from the stage, in line with right PA stack. Some clapping and talkers here and there.
Trade freely always including this file!
Don't sell or alter this recording in any way!
Michael Schenker - Corona, CA 10.11.2012
Michael Schenker
Nov. 10, 2012
Corona, CA
Club Marque 15
Zoom H2n (96khz/24bit M/S RAW) >> Adobe Aution (decode into stereo, mastered, dithered/downsampled 44.1khz/16bit) >> TLH (flac 8, sector boundaries corrected & checksum) >> MP3
Recorded, mastered & uploaded by Paul
000 intro
001 lovedrive
002 another piece of meat
003 save yourself
004 into the arena
005 before the devil knows you're dead
006 rock my nights away
007 shoot shoot
008 only you can rock me rock me
009 let it roll
010 love to love
011 natural thing
012 lights out
013 armed and ready
014 rock bottom
015 doctor doctor
David Van Landing - Vocals
Michael Schenker - Guitar
Wayne Findlay - Guitar - Keyboards
Elliot Rubinson - Bass
Pete Holmes - Drums
As usual, lively party crowd w/ the usual lightweights around. Van Landing's voice was sounding pretty tired at points. Michael was on fire. The set was played pretty much straight through w/ no encores & not much talk between songs.
In Flames - Indianapolis, IN 08.11.2012
In Flames
November 8, 2012
Egyptian Room
Indianapolis, Indiana
Source: Sound Professionals CMC-08s (AT943)->SP-SB11(no bass roll-off)->Edirol R09HR->
CoolEditPro->CD Wave->TLH->MP3
Taper: ironchef
Total time: 48:03
01. Sounds of a Playground Fading
02. Where the Dead Ships Dwell
03. Reroute to Remain
04. Embody the Invisible
05. Cloud Connected
06. Fear is the Weakness
07. The Mirror's Truth
08. System
09. Deliver Us
10. Take This Life
11. My Sweet Shadow
Notes: This was their set as the main support for Lamb of God. I recorded from a spot
straight back from the right side PA stack about 2/3 of the way between the stage and
the soundboard.
Gotthard - Vienna, Austria 20.11.2012
Band: Gotthard
Venue: Gasometer C, Bank Austria Halle
City: Vienna
Country: Austria
Date: Tuesday, 20th Nov. 2012
Bootleg Title: Remember it's Steve
Taper: HighVoltage
Artwork: Yes
Recording Equipment: Olympus LS-10 Linear PCM Recorder (internal Mics)
Mic Position: underneath T-Shirt, in front of breastbone
Location: ~3rd row, about 2 m from the stage mid-left
Recorder Settings: Mic Sens low, Low Cut on, Mic Zoom Set wide
Audience: ~2.500
Lineage: Olympus LS-10 (PCM WAV 44.1kHz/16bit) internal Mics -> PC -> Nero Wave Editor -> FLAC Level 6 -> MP3
Edits: general volume adaption, equalizer, fade-in & fade out, track split, flac level 6, edited out a few audience bits between songs, special volume adaption at some points where the audience screams (too) loud!
I have not added the fades between the 2 Discs, I thought you might enjoy the concert in full - if you want to burn it to CD, you'll have to add them yourself!
Special Notes:
The second Gotthard gig for me... the first one with Nic Maeder (meaning that I had the pleasure of seeing Gotthard with Steve Lee at least once!) (However - Nic does a wonderful, brilliant job, I want to add!).
Before the gig I started to chat with a beautiful blonde girl and another one who was probably - to all appearances- her mother from Styria (Feldbach area I believe), who were standing next to me (or - I managed to be standing next to them^^) - Due to circumstances later explained I don't know who they were, but now I'd like to dedicate this recording to her!
Before "Remember it's me" Nic mentiones that it's their very first song they have written together with him as new singer had been released exactly one year before ("...so it's a bit of a special night for us"). Since then it was clear to me that the bootleg title had to consist of something with remembering Steve, the single, as well as something with the current lineup/singer (which was this song)...sometimes it just happens! After introducing Ernesto Ghezzi on keyboards, Nic announces "Together we gonna do a song ... that we'd like to dedicate to the late, great Mr. Steve Lee!" after which a minute of applause and cheers follow - just like after the song (when also Leo Leoni mentiones Steve Lee)! During "Fist in your Face" Leo Leoni plays a short bit of "Smoke on the Water". After Nic Maeder announces "Mountain Mama" Leo Leoni and the band mess around with a few tunes (AC/DC's 'Hells Bells' and 'What do you do for Money Honey' and Deep Purple's 'Burn') to which Nic reminds the band that these are good songs but not the one that he'd announced :D - During the Outro Solo by Leo you can hear him saying (through the voice box) "Vienna do you hear me?!" (twice, obviously taken from ) and then "Do you want a beer?!" after which he takes a sip himself - you can hear me saying "Cheer-IO!" and Leo, responding to the audience "Dankeschön!" before he starts "Right on". When the band was gathering for a goodbye at the front of the stage the audience conviced them they should do another song - "I guess you want another one, huh?!". During "Top of the World" when the Band members are introduced and Leo introduces Nic Maeder he says "Meine Damen und Herren ... the new kid in town ... der neue Bock... Mr. Nic Maeder!" Haha! Der neue Bock! funny! After that people in the audience start to sing "Leo! Leo! Leo!"
My parents were becoming slightly uneasy towards the end of the gig as we had to catch the last train (and before that, the last subway to bring us to the train station!) home... however, I knew what they would probably play and at which stage the band was with their set, but came the last song, (the second encore), I also started feeling slightly nervous, especially when Nic started the audience bit in the middle of the song. However, I managed to stay, but when I head the first note of the closing chord, I was on my way to the back (just before I went back you can hear me saying some goodbye words to the blonde girl I was stood next to...oh I wished there'd been time left for a good chat and some drinks...) ...and when I got there I managed to stay for the last few seconds to capture the last outro chords, too (surprisingly the sound quality stays almost at the same level), but as soon as the band was finished I was out, running to the wardrobe, collecting my stuff, and as soon as I got it I ran to the subway station... less than half a minute later after arriving there I found myself sitting in that very last subway that made me/us catch the last train home!
How to identify my recording:
Around 4:12 into "Fist in your Face" (during the outro solo) you can hear a female voice shouting "Woooooohoo!". Just before "Give me real" you can hear another female voice asking if she could pass to the front to make some photos. When "Anytime anywhere" starts Nic says "...and we'll be back...anytime..." and you can hear me shouting "Anywhere!". Before the very last encore "Top of the World" Nic asks "I guess you want another one" you can hear me replying to my mother who came to the front to say they were leafint to the undergrund station "Um 37 ist eine U-Bahn!" which means that the last underground for us would leav at 23:37 (it was probably 23:29 at the time!!!)...!
Soundquality: audience recording with some interference from the audience (sometimes a little bit of overdrive), guitars are a bit muffled, 7,5/10
Disc 1:
01 Intro (1:23)
02 Dream on (3:45)
03 Gone too far (4:15)
04 Starlight (5:53)
05 Remember it's me (3:50)
06 Sister Moon (4:14)
07 Hush (8:08)
08 One Life, one Soul (4:04)
09 The Story's over (4:49)
10 Fist in your Face (5:06)
11 Give me real (4:01)
Disc 2:
12 Drum Solo (4:26)
13 Falling (4:20)
14 Tell me (3:33)
15 Heaven (6:36)
16 Hells Bells / What do you do for Money Honey / Burn (Snippets) (1:48)
17 Mountain Mama (4:59)
18 Right on (3:53)
19 Lift 'u' up (7:41)
20 Leo Leoni Guitar Solo (incl. Pink Panther Theme) (2:00)
21 Master of Illusion (4:39)
22 Anytime, anywhere (7:31)
23 Top of the World (6:45)
Enjoy this recording anyway you want (I have uploaded both a flac- and mp3 version), share it, but please keep my notes and the album art together with the audio files!
DON'T SELL - only free sharing or trading!
Fear Factory - Bordeaux, France 16.11.2012
Taper & Upload : TREKK
Cover : No
MY BOOTLEG LIST IS AT THIS URL : http://db.etree.org/trekk
MY ARTWORK BLOG IS AT THIS URL : http://bootlegscovers.canalblog.com/
Matériel : TASCAM DR-07 (SD Card) + Microphones CHURCH AUDIO CA-11 (+ Batterybox)
Lineage : SD Card > PC (Wav) > Audacity (Normalisation) > DB Poweramp (Compression Level 5) > Flac
Time : 75Mn
Setlist :
01- Intro
02- The Industrialist
03- Shock
04- Edgecrusher
05- Smasher / Devourer
06- Powershifter
07- Acres Of Skin
08- Linchpin
09- Recharger
10- Resurrection
11- Martyr
12- Demanufacture
13- Self Bias Resistor
14- Zero Signal
15- Replica
Epica - St. Paul, MN 05.11.2012
Station 4 - St. Paul, MN, USA
November 5, 2012
Recorded by Hurricane62.
This show took place on the eve of the 2012 US Presidential election. With the affirmation that this ongoing experiment in Socialism in America is what the majority of our once-great nation wants, I thought that "REQUIEM For The REPUBLICANS" would be a quite appropriate title.
Audio Technica SP-CMC-2 Cardioid Mics -> SP-SPSB-11 Battery Box with Bass Rolloff set at 95 hZ -> Sony PCM-M10 (44.1 MHz/16 bit) with Limiter ON and Low Pass Filter OFF -> WavePad (eq, normalized & track splitting) -> converted to .flac using Traders Little Helper -> MP3
Nice long set by Epica. Band sounded great. Recording is a little "left handed" because there was a speaker stack about 10 feet to my left. Otherwise, the recording is clean and sounds great. Samples are included in the comments.
TOTAL TIME: 1:44:12
01 Karma (1:38)
02 Monopoly On Truth (7:07)
03 Sensorium (5:20)
04 Unleashed (5:55)
05 Martyr Of The Free Word (5:22)
06 Serenade Of Self-Destruction (10:21)
07 Fools Of Damnation: The Embrace That Smothers, Pt. 9 (9:38)
08 Quietus (4:37)
09 The Obsessive Devotion (8:00)
10 Sancta Terra (5:17)
11 The Phantom Agony (10:04)
12 Encore Break With Coen (2:37)
13 Cry For The Moon (The Embrace That Smothers, Pt. 4) (10:44)
14 Storm The Sorrow (6:12)
15 Consign To Oblivion (A New Age Dawns, Pt. 3) (9:55)
16 Outro (1:22)
Epica is:
Simone Simons - Mezzo Soprano
Mark Jansen - Guitar, Growls, Screams
Coen Janssen – Keyboards
Ariën van Weesenbeek – Drums
Isaac Delahaye – Guitar, Backing Vocals
Rob van der Loo - Bass
Support Epica!
Edguy - Hamburg, Germany 24.11.2012 (Source 2)
Edguy - 2012-11-24 - Hamburg, Germany (44.1 kHz - 16 bit CD-Version)
Title: Lavatory Rock Machine
Artist: Edguy
Venue: O2-World, Hamburg, Germany
Edguy were supporter for Deep Purple on their Germany tour.
Master recorded by Purplix / Kalle
Recorded in 48.000 Hz / 24 bit STEREO in MS Raw mode / MS Side Mic level "+4". No compressor, no auto gain, no low cut.
Lineage: Zoom H2n (internal mic) --> wav --> no remastering --> resampled with "Audacity to (44.100 Hz/16 bit) --> track splittet --> TLH --> FLAC --> MP3
1. Intro - Einzug der Gladiatoren
2. Nobody's Hero
3. Rock Of Cashel
4. Tears Of A Mandrake
5. Pandora's Box
6. Lavatory Love Machine
7. Save Me
8. King of Fools
9. Outro - Superheroes (Tape)
Line Up:
Tobias Sammet - vocals
Jens Ludwig - lead guitar (and dobro on "Pandora's Box".)
Dirk Sauer - rhythm guitars
Tobias Exxel - bass
Felix Bohnke - drums
Recorded from left side seats (U5), paralell to the mixing desc.
Good to very good sound. No audience chatter
All instruments and vocals clear. Great dynamic.
Some short "crackle" in the beginning of "Nobody's Hero".
A great, well fitting support for Deep Purple. The audience had fun and enjoyed the show of Edguy.
Support Edguy and buy all their records.
Their last album called "age Of The Joker" - out now.
Only trade or share for free.
It's forbidden and useless to sale this recording.
Edguy - Hamburg, Germany 24.11.2012
O2 World
2012-November-24 (Saturday)
taped by: RCM
uploaded by: RCM
time: 43 min 52 sec
Olympus-LS11 (16bit/44.1kHz) >Secure Digital SD-card>
USB2.0Interface>soundforge/audioedit>Wav-Splitter>flac.frontend lev.8>flac>mp3
01. Intro [0:49]
02. Nobody's Hero [5:01]
03. Rock Of Cashel [7:16]
04. Tears Of A Mandrake [7:16]
05. Pandora's Box [7:25]
06. Lavatory Love Machine [6:09]
07. Save Me [4:53]
08. King Of Fools [5:03]
Tobias Sammet - vocals
Jens Ludwig - guitars
Dirk Sauer - guitars
Tobias Exxel - bass
Felix Bohnke - drums
PLEASE - support the artists! Buy their CDs and go to their shows!
Dragonforce - Bordeaux, France 21.11.2012
Taper & Upload : TREKK
Cover : No
MY BOOTLEG LIST IS AT THIS URL : http://db.etree.org/trekk
MY ARTWORK BLOG IS AT THIS URL : http://bootlegscovers.canalblog.com/
Matériel : TASCAM DR-07 (SD Card) + Microphones CHURCH AUDIO CA-11 (+ Batterybox)
Lineage : SD Card > PC (Wav) > Audacity (Normalisation) > DB Poweramp (Compression Level 5) > Flac > MP3
Time : 85Mn
Setlist :
01- Holding On
02- Heroes Of Our Time
03- Seasons
04- Fury Of The Storm
05- Die By The Sword
06- Operation Ground And Pound
07- Fields Of Despair
08- Storming The Burning Fields
09- Through The Fire And Flames
10- Cry Thunder
11- (encore)
12- Valley Of The Damned
13- Outro
Deep Purple - Hamburg, Germany 24.11.2012 (Source 4)
O2 World
2012-November-24 (Saturday)
3rd. RCM source
taped by: RCM
uploaded by: RCM
time: 1 hr 56 min 40 sec
Olympus-LS11 (16bit/44.1kHz) >Secure Digital SD-card>
USB2.0Interface>soundforge/audioedit>Wav-Splitter>flac.frontend lev.8>flac>mp3
01. Intro [1:57]
02. Fireball > [3:27]
03. Into the Fire > [3:30]
04. Hard Lovin' Man> [6:46]
05. Maybe I'm a Leo > [4:17]
06. Strange Kind of Woman [5:52]
07. The Battle Rages On [6:02]
08. Guitar Solo [5:32]
09. Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming > The Well-Dressed Guitar [7:44]
10. The Mule /Drum Solo [6:42]
11. Lazy [8:55]
12. No One Came [5:15]
13. Keyboard Solo [6:23]
14. Perfect Strangers [5:47]
15. Space Truckin' > [4:51]
16. Smoke on the Water < audience [9:29]
17. E: Speed King>Medley>Speed King [9:11]
18. E: Hush [4:52]
19. E: Bass Solo [2:28]
20. E: Black Night [7:40]
DON AIREY - Keyboard
PLEASE - support the artists! Buy their CDs and go to their shows!
Deep Purple - Hamburg, Germany 24.11.2012 (Source 3)
Deep Purple - 2012-11-24 - Hamburg, Germany
Artist: Deep Purple
Venue: O2-World, Hamburg, Germany
Master recorded by Purplix / Kalle
Lineage: Zoom H2n (internal mic) --> no remastering --> track splittet --> WAV ---> TLH --> FLAC (level 8) --> MP3
Recorded in 48 kHz / 24 bit STEREO in MS Raw mode / MS Side Mic level "+4". No compressor, no auto gain, no low cut.
As it is recorded in 48 kHz / 24 bit, you can't directly copy it to Audio-CD, but the sound quality is higher.
CD 1:
01. Intro - Montagues And Capulets
02. Fireball
03. Into The Fire
04. Hard Lovin' Man
05. Maybe I'm A Leo
06. Strange Kind Of Woman
07. The Battle Rages On
08. Contact Lost
09. Steve Morse Guitarsolo
10. Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming
11. The Well-Dressed Guitar
12. The Mule
13. Ian Paice Drumsolo
14. The Mule (Reprise)
15. Lazy
16. No One Came
17. Don Airey Keyboardsolo
18. Perfect Strangers
CD 2:
19. Space Truckin'
20. Smoke On The Water
(21. encore break)
22. Speed King (interpol. Rock'n'Roll Medley)
23. Hush
24. Roger Glover Basssolo
25. Black Night
(26. applause)
Line Up:
Ian Paice: drums
Ian Gillan: vocals, harmonica, tambourine, gong
Roger Glover: bassguitar
Steve Morse: leadguitar
Don Airey: Hammond organ, keyboards, synthesizer
Recorded from left side seats (U5), paralell to the mixing desc.
Good to very good sound. No audience chatter
All instruments and vocals clear. Great dynamic.
Very short "crackle" in the beginning of "Fireball".
A fantastic concert with a very good sounding Ian Gillan.
Support Deep Purple and buy all their records. Their new album will be available in April 2013.
Only trade or share for free.
It's forbidden and useless to sale this recording.
Deep Purple - Hamburg, Germany 24.11.2012 (Source 2)
O2 World
2012-November-24 (Saturday)
2nd source
Recorded with different equipment by my son
same position
taped by: RCM/jr.
uploaded by: RCM
time: 1 hr 57 min 10 sec
OKM IIR > A3 > Sony PCM-M10 (24bit/48 kHz) > dithered 16bit/44.1khz >Secure Digital SD-card>
USB2.0Interface>soundforge/audioedit>Wav-Splitter>flac.frontend lev.8>flac>mp3
01. Intro [2:03]
02. Fireball > [3:18]
03. Into the Fire > [3:32]
04. Hard Lovin' Man> [6:41]
05. Maybe I'm a Leo > [4:20]
06. Strange Kind of Woman [5:53]
07. The Battle Rages On [5:55]
08. Guitar Solo [5:39]
09. Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming > The Well-Dressed Guitar [7:37]
10. The Mule /Drum Solo [6:49]
11. Lazy [8:55]
12. No One Came [5:15]
13. Keyboard Solo [6:23]
14. Perfect Strangers [5:49]
15. Space Truckin' > [4:49]
16. Smoke on the Water < audience [9:29]
17. E: Speed King>Medley>Speed King [9:12]
18. E: Hush [4:51]
19. E: Bass Solo [2:30]
20. E: Black Night [8:20]
DON AIREY - Keyboard
PLEASE - support the artists! Buy their CDs and go to their shows!
Deep Purple - Hamburg, Germany 24.11.2012
O2 World
2012-November-24 (Saturday)
taped by: RCM
uploaded by: RCM
time: 1 hr 56 min 40 sec
OKM IIR > A3>Edirol R09 (16bit/44.1kHz) >Secure Digital SD-card>
USB2.0Interface>soundforge/audioedit>Wav-Splitter>flac.frontend lev.8>flac>mp3
01. Intro [1:55]
02. Fireball > [3:26]
03. Into the Fire > [3:37]
04. Hard Lovin' Man> [6:38]
05. Maybe I'm a Leo > [4:17]
06. Strange Kind of Woman [5:52]
07. The Battle Rages On [5:56]
08. Guitar Solo [5:40]
09. Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming > The Well-Dressed Guitar [7:35]
10. The Mule /Drum Solo [6:50]
11. Lazy [8:54]
12. No One Came [5:16]
13. Keyboard Solo [5:39]
14. Perfect Strangers [6:32]
15. Space Truckin' > [4:51]
16. Smoke on the Water < audience [9:12]
17. E: Speed King>Medley>Speed King [9:27]]
18. E: Hush [4:53]
19. E: Bass Solo [2:29]
20. E: Black Night [7:41]
DON AIREY - Keyboard
PLEASE - support the artists! Buy their CDs and go to their shows!
BOC - NY, NY 05.11.2012 (40th Anniversary Bash)
40th Anniversary Bash
Best Buy Theater
New York , New York
November 5, 2012
An Evening with Blue Oyster Cult
RESCHEDULED from Oct. 28 due to Superstorm "Frankenstorm" Sandy to Nov. 5 .
Original Members Of BLUE ÖYSTER CULT Reunite At Historic New York City Show !!!!!!
Recorded by bcironmaiden - Some talkers and singers , not too bad in the mix though !
Recorded w/ SP-CMC-8 Sound Professionals Deluxe Audio Technica Cardioid Stereo Microphones >
SP-SPSB-1 Sound Professionals Mini Battery Module > Olympus LS-10 Linear PCM Recorder HD > CD Wave
Editor 48khz/24bit > 44khz/16bit & Track Split > TLH ( Flac 8 ) > MP3/320
This show was beyond words , a dream come true for me !! I LOVE BOC !!!!!!!! What an AMAZING setlist !!! They dug deep and pulled out some old gems .
They were going to do one more song ( with Albert on vocals ) but they made them stop the show at 11PM , so they went right to Reaper and that was the
Set 1:
01. Intro
02. This Ain't the Summer of Love
03. Golden Age of Leather
04. Burnin' for You
05. Harvest Moon
06. ME 262
07. Then Came the Last Days of May
08. Lips in the Hills
09. Shooting Shark - (with Bruce Kapler - saxophone)
10. Godzilla
11. I Love the Night
Set 2:
01. Harvester of Eyes - (with Andy Ascolese acoustic)
02. Astronomy - (with Andy Ascolese acoustic)
03. Gil Blanco County - (with Andy Ascolese acoustic)
04. Death Valley Nights - (with Albert Bouchard vocals,and Andy Ascolese acoustic)
05. In Thee - (with Allen Lanier guitar,and Andy Ascolese acoustic)
06. Summa Cum Laude
07. Arthur Comics
08. Black Blade
09. OD'd on Life Itself - (with Allen Lanier, Albert Bouchard, Joe Bouchard)
10. Career of Evil - (with Allen Lanier, Albert Bouchard, Joe Bouchard)
11. The Red & The Black - (with Allen Lanier, Albert Bouchard, Joe Bouchard)
12. (Don't Fear) The Reaper - (with everyone)
Blue Oyster Cult: "In order of appearance"
Eric Bloom - Vocals/Guitar/Keys
Donald "Buck Dharma" Roeser - Lead Guitar/Vocals
Richie Castellano - Guitar/Keys
Jules Radino - Drums/(Cowbell on The Reaper)
Kasim Sulton - Bass/(Cowbell on The Reaper)
Bruce Kapler - saxophone/(Cowbell on The Reaper)
Andy Ascolese - Percussion
Albert Bouchard - Drums/Vocals
Allen Lanier - Guitar/Keys
Joe Bouchard - Bass
Enjoy And Rock On !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alice Cooper - Denver, CO 23.11.2012
Alice Cooper
November 23, 2012
Paramount Theatre
Denver, Colorado
SOURCE: AT-853 mics > Sound Pros Battery Box > Sony PCM-M10 > Mac Pro > Sound Studio (processing, split file) > xACT (flac) > mp3
Notes: Recorded near 5th row audience right (stage left).
Processing: Slight volume increase of left channel, normalized to 0 dB, added fades at beginning and end of show
Intro - The Underture
Hello Hooray
House of Fire
No More Mr. Nice Guy
I'll Bite Your Face Off
Be My Lover
Billion Dollar Babies
The Congregation
Hey Stoopid
Dirty Diamonds
Bass/Drum Solo/Full Band Jam
Welcome To My Nightmare
Ballad Of Dwight Fry
Go To Hell
He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask)
Devil's Food
Feed My Frankenstein
Interlude (Intro to Raise The Dead)
Break On Through (Jim Morrison/The Doors)
Revolution (John Lennon/The Beatles)
Foxey Lady (Jimi Hendrix/Jimi Hendrix Experience)
My Generation (The Who)
Under My Wheels
- Encore Break -
School's Out (inc. Another Brick In The Wall/Pink Floyd)
Alice Cooper - Frankfurt, Germany 03.11.2012
Jahrhunderthalle Höchst
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
November 03, 2012
Source: Audience Zoom Q2HD Recording
Taped by: SF
Transferred by: SF
Zoom Q2HD > 24/48 > Internal Mics Rear 150 > CD Wave > dbpoweramp > 16/44 > Flac Level 8 > MP3
Line Up:
Alice Cooper - Vocals
Orianthi - Guitar
Tommy Henriksen - Guitar
Ryan Roxie - Guitar
Chuck Garric - Bass
Glen Sobel - Drums
01 Intro - The Underture
02 Hello Hooray (Judy Collins Cover)
03 House Of Fire
04 No More Mr. Nice Guy
05 I'll Bite Your Face Off
06 Be My Lover
07 Caffeine
08 Billion Dollar Babies
09 The Congregation
10 Hey Stoopid
11 Dirty Diamonds w/ Drum Solo
12 Welcome To My Nightmare
13 Ballad Of Dwight Fry
14 Go To Hell
15 He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask)
16 Devil's Food
17 Feed My Frankenstein
18 Break On Through (To The Other Side) (The Doors Cover)
19 Revolution (The Beatles Cover)
20 Foxy Lady (The Jimi Hendrix Experience Cover)
21 My Generation (The Who Cover)
22 I'm Eighteen
23 Under My Wheels
24 Poison
25 Encore Break
26 School's Out - w/ Another Brick In The Wall (Pink Floyd Cover)
NOTES: SF Master Recording Series !
This Is Intended For Free Trade Only.
Do Not Buy Or Sell !
Support The Band Buying Their Stuff !
Visit & Enjoy Forthcoming Shows !
Ship Of Fear 2013 - A Horror Cruise Feat. Alice Cooper
Accept - Tampere, Finland 06.11.2012 (Source 2)
Band: Accept
Venue: Pakkahuone
Location: Tampere, Finland
Date: November 06th, 2012
taper: Gravehill
LINEAGE: EDIROL R-09HR (24bit/48kHz) > Sound Forge Pro 10.0 (tracks, normalize) > TLH > mp3
01 - Intro
02 - Hung, Drawn and Quartered
03 - Hellfire
04 - Restless and Wild
05 - Losers and winners
06 - Stalingrad
07 - Breaker
08 - Bucket full of hate
09 - Monsterman
10 - Shadow soldiers
11 - Guitar solo (W.Hoffmann)
12 - Neon Nights
13 - Bulletproof
14 - Aiming High
15 - Princess of the Dawn
16 - Up to the limit
17 - No shelter
18 - Pandemic
19 - Fast as a shark
20 - Metal heart
21 - Teutonic terror
22 - Balls to the wall
length: 117min
Accept - Tampere, Finland 06.11.2012
Band: Accept
Date: 2012-11-06
Venue: Pakkahuone
City: Tampere
Country: Finland
Length: 120 minutes
Source: Audience recording, master source
Quality: A-/B+ (Grading: A = Excellent, B = Good, C = Fair, D = Poor)
Taper: j3saari
Catalog #: J3M007
01 Intro
02 Hung, drawn and quartered
03 Hellfire
04 Restless and wild
05 Losers and winners
06 Stalingrad
07 Breaker
08 Bucket full of hate
09 Monsterman
10 Shadow soldiers
11 Guitar solo Wolf Hoffmann
12 Neon nights
13 Bulletproof
14 Aiming high
15 Princess of the dawn
16 Up to the limit
17 No shelter
18 Pandemic
19 Fast as a shark
20 Metal heart
21 Teutonic terror
22 Balls to the wall
Recording equipment:
Nokia 808 PureView mobile phone w/integrated microphones --> Boldbeast Recorder app (version 3.40, basic edition) --> WAV (mono, 96kHz)
Master WAV --> Cubase 5 LE (resampling 96kHz -> 44.1kHz / fade in & out / EQ / output to pseudo-stereo file) --> CdWav (track splitting) --> Trader's Little Helper (encoding to FLAC (Level 5) --> MP3
Recording position:
Dead center, right in front of soundboard.
Notes about my recording equipment:
Nokia 808 PureView mobile phone has two integrated microphones that can record stereo sound up to 140-145dB without distortion. Unfortunately, the native audio recording app does only support recording to MP4, so I purchased Boldbeast Recorder app that does record to WAV (and even with 96kHz), but the downside is that it does only record in mono. However, the choice between lossy stereo capture and lossless mono capture is a no-brainer in my opinion. In case you're wondering the relatively small sizes of FLAC files, that is because the recording was indeed done in mono.
Mastering notes:
- Recording was a bit bass-heavy, so I decreased the lows a bit.
- Highs boosted a bit to add clarity.
Other comments:
With Accept you really get what you expect - excellent music played by musicians that really seem to enjoy being on stage. Is there anything else that you would wish for?
I'm still learning the recording process, and naturally my equipment also sets some limitations, but the end result is not that bad I think.
But, there is a chance that a beter sounding recording surfaces in near future, thanks to our friend Gravehill who supposedly also recorded the show :)
Unfortunately I wasn't able to record the supporting band Metsatöll.
Mark Tornillo – Vocals
Wolf Hoffmann – Guitar
Herman Frank – Guitar
Peter Baltes – Bass
Stefan Schwarzmann – Drums
Iron Maiden - Chicago, IL 05.08.1982 (Ver. 3) [RIP Clive Burr]
1982-08-05 Chicago, Cominsky Park, Illinois, US
Version 3 : Full show
Source : AUD
Quality : 8
Time Length : 49:19 / 43:48
CD 1
1. Murders in the Rue Morgue (3:37)
2. Wrathchild (4:15)
3. Run to the Hills (4:35)
4. Children of the Damned (4:31)
5. The Number of the Beast (6:31)
6. 22 Acacia Avenue (6:13)
7. Another Life (3:20)
8. Clive Burr Solo (4:37)
9. Transylvannia (3:38)
10. Dave Murray solo (2:14)
11. The Prisoner (5:40)
CD 2
1. Hallowed Be Thy Name (7:47)
2. Phantom of th Opera (6:44)
3. Iron Maiden (6:25)
4. Sanctuary (4:13)
5. Drifter (9:23)
6. Running Free (5:04)
7. Prowler (4:10)
Notes : Nice upgrade, including Hallowed Be Thy Name and full Prowler, even if tape flip on this last tape caused bad sound
flac :
mp3/320 :
Motorhead - Bern, Switzerland 07.12.2012
Since my uploads have been limited to Demon, Judas Priest and Saxon so far I’d like to extend the scope of bands by sharing my Motörhead master recording from the Metal Christmas Festival in Bern, Switzerland taking place a few months ago. The billing was completed by Saxon (late shift), Edguy, Epica and Powerwolf. Unfortunately, we arrived quite late (somewhere in the middle of Edguy’s set). Heavy snowfalls in the southern part of Germany and Switzerland led to an unpleasant traffic situation. However, it was worth the distant way and the efforts. Motörhead and Saxon were brilliant even though Lemmy and his boys played less than 70 minutes. So, the uploaded show is definitely complete. The quality is good from my perspective, but it’s not excellent which is partly the result of an unclear sound.
Bernexpo Halle 4
Bern, Switzerland
Sony Hi-MD Walkman MZ-RH1 & Microphone Sony ECM-719 > Audacity > WAV > TLH > FLAC (Level 6) > MP3
01. I Know How To Die
02. Damage Case
03. Stay Clean
04. Metropolis
05. Over The Top
06. Dr. Rock
07. Phil's Guitar Solo
08. The Chase Is Better Than The Catch
09. Rock It
10. The One To Sing The Blues
11. Mikkey's Drum Solo
12. Going To Brazil
13. Killed By Death
14. Ace Of Spades
15. Overkill
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