Dienstag, 19. März 2013
Scorpions - Oberhausen, Germany 15.12.2012
Oberhausen, Germany
Arenastrasse 1
46047 Oberhausen
15. Dezember 2012
minimax master-series #257
minimax-pre-Christmas-series #002
Master - Audience recording
Ticket-costs: 77,00 Euros
Minimax-Ticket-costs: 20,00 Euros
Parking-costs: sorry, no parking-costs
catering: 1 Lebkuchen-Plätzchen, eaten in hectic at home, due to not much time left to the start of this "event"
Weather-conditions: dark, about 5°C, no rain, no snow
Taping-location: Block 112 Unterrang, Row L, Place 21 on a small Klapp-seat
Sound-quality: excellent
Viewing-condions to the stage: excellent, although there are often many beer-sellers latsching through my Bild.
Audience: not sold out, not as enthusiastic as expected for one of there last ever concerts on there last and only
for the next maybe fifteen years going on-final sting-tour. Some talking guys and women around, some loud beer-sellers
around. Many people left the building a bit early so it was not that "quiet" during the last songs.
The Hall: a big crap - as usual!!
Equipment: Zoom H4N - Sound professional microphones SP-CMC-8 -
SP-SPSB-8 Sound Professionals Mini Battery Module
The concert:
announced as the LAST CONCERT on their final sting-tour in Germany although they played at Munich the day after.
Hmmm...strange!!Nice light show with nice films. Nice cat-walk.
Many space on stage for everyone to walk from here to there and back.
Nice pyrotechnic. All in all everything you can expect going to a Scorpions-concert: Mr. Meine made "The Meine", playing with
his tambourine, pointing his finger hundred of times to any imaginary concert-visitor or playing an aeroplane with
his arms "brrrr! brrrr!",Schenker made "The Schenker" grimassing with his face, holding his guitar in his typical way,
wearing different "hats", Mr. Jabs played "The Jabs" perfectly, grinning or looking strange and posing like he
-as a hard-rocker- has to do. Pawel M. was "The Understatesman" and -yes- then Mr. Kottak kottattacked his drums as
only he can do it.
How could this happen? Minimax again at a Scorps-gig. About 38 years after his first one.
If you would have asked me 90 minutes before that show I would have answered: ???He?? Do they play tonite??
I was at work and still had "Rufbereitschaft" the whole night through and was at work 'til 7 p.m. and coming home
I took a look at the calendar which told me "The Klaus Meine - Band" is up now these minutes at Oberhausen.
So -as a perfect Ehe"man" and perfect secret-agent I asked my wife who allowed me to go over there quickly
(if I pass very gut auf mich auf!! and make no scheisse!), grabbed my equipment
and took 20 Euros for a ticket, more I did not want to spend. I arrived in time, met some nice folks from Oberbayern
who had one ticket they immediately sold me on "The Black Market" for that 20 Euros and I was in.
The support-act was on and left soon and The Scorps entered soon and I sat on my Klappstuhl recording and holding
my telephone in my (still verletzt) left hand always counting on it that I had to leave as sudden as possible for a real
"Notfall" for work again. But I was "a lucky guy" and nothing happended.
And then the only Hard-Rock-Punch-and-Judy-show worldwide opened their set with a huge bang and they gave it all.
Including a real nice drum-solo of Mr. Kottack - illustrated with a nice trip through the Scorps-history.
Huuuh, some exploding-or-smoking- Schenker-guitars and the so much missed (by me missed!!) german Ansagen/announcements
from Klausi: "Oberhausen, come on", "Ich glaube, da will noch einer weiter singen!?" usw.. Oh, mein Gott!!!
And a Scorpions-stage was always a big stage, so they had a lot of space and could geh viel Teita darauf and have some
nice and long walks. Nice, nice, nice. And they spend a long time on stage after the last song shaking hands
and Klaus M. gave autographs and so on. Respect!!
But! I have never ever seen a Heavy-Band that had a singer who got a bundle of roses from someone of the audience.
I hope that it were some Totenkopf-roses otherwise my Weltbild is now really completely destroyed!!!
Now -as I have been there for one LAST time- they can set sich zur Ruhe and everyone is zufrieden.
This torrent is with included Cover-and-Label-Artwork! Homebaked in these Pre-Christmas-times, of course!!
Klaus Meine - Vocals
Rudolf Schenker - Guitars
Matthias Jabs - Guitars
James Kottak - Drums
Pawel Maciwoda - Bass
Setlist:(thanks to Jano75 for it)
Sting in the Tail
Make It Real
Is There Anybody There?
The Zoo
Coast to Coast
Loving You Sunday Morning
We'll Burn the Sky
The Best Is Yet to Come
Send Me an Angel
Raised on Rock
Tease Me Please Me
Hit Between the Eyes
Kottak Attack
Six String Sting
Big City Nights
Still Loving You
Wind of Change
Rock You Like a Hurricane
This one is for you!!
Rock on!! Forever!!
.and this one is -of course- dedicated to those who grabbed some autographs from this band way back in 1976 on the floor of the Westfalenhalle Dortmund.
Support this band
Buy their records on vinyl
Go to their concerts, hmm, can be difficult from now on...
Do not sell. For trading only. ..and -of course- for fun!
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