Donnerstag, 28. November 2013
Scorpions - 1982-04-28 - St Austell, UK (SBD) flac
Scorpions - The Coliseum, St Austell (UK) 28th April 1982 (Soundboard)(Ex+ Recording).
This is a recording I received in a postal trade some time ago, and as I'm now listening to this great band
once again I'd thought I'd share this on here and as far as I can tell this hasn't been on here before.
I'm not sure if this is a soundboard recording or a radio broadcast or just an awesome audience recording.
It is from a senstaional period in Scorpions history, and the track list is fantastic.
These are the original notes that came with it:
"Source > Soundboard (unknown gen)
Quality > Very good.
Transfer > Aiwa AD-F410 tape deck > CD Wave > DBpoweramp > Flac level 8 > TLH
Disc 1
01 Blackout.
02 Dont Make No Promises.
03 Loving You Sunday Morning.
04 Make It Real.
05 We'll Burn The Sky.
06 Coast To Coast.
07 Lovedrive.
08 Always Somewhere.
09 Holiday.
Disc 2
01 Cant Live Without You.
02 He's A Woman She's A Man.
03 Another Piece Of Meat.
04 Dynamite.
05 The Zoo.
06 Steamrock Fever.
07 Cant Get Enough.
Do not sell or compress to lossy formats.
First of all I'd like to thank whoever recorded this and to "datman8" for sharing
this absolute gem of a recording with the larger community.
Make no mistake that this recording is far from perfect, however with some remastering
by someone who knows what they are doing, this could sound like an official release.
As it stands the sound is 8/10ish or Ex+ mainly because, the Vocals are
low down in the mix.
With a tweak here and there on a graphics equaliser you can get this sounding awesome.
Anyway support the band by buying their merchandise/cd's etc. They are on their farewell tour, and I for one will
miss them. They have been in my life since I was a teenager and their music has got me through some tough situations in my life.
I saw them on tour a couple of years ago first as a double A act with Judas Priest, and then the
following year when Uli Roth made a guest apperance, and they were tremendous.
Share freely but never sell and don't encode to MP3 unless for personal use.
Mastodon - 2013-06-15 - Download Festival, England flac
Download Festival
Donington Park, Castle Donington, England
15th June 2013
01 Intro
02 Black Tongue
03 Dry Bone Valley
04 Thickening
05 Oblivion
06 Octopus has no Friends
07 Stargasm
08 Blasteroid
09 All the Heavy Lifting
10 Spectreight
11 Curl of the Burl
12 Blood and Thunder
13 The Sparrow
SP-CMC-4U cards > SP-SPSB-11 > Edirol R-09
Edited in Cooledit Pro 2.0 > Split using CD Wave editor > WAV to FLAC using traders little helper.
Recorded by me on the second day of the Download Festival.
I positioned underneath one of the speaker stacks that was alongside the sound and lighting tower in the venue.
The weather throughout the day was crap, windy and raining, which resulted in some slight phasing at times and a touch of noise from the wind and rain on the odd occasion. But heres the recording, theres a sample in the first post for you to make your mind up if you feel its worth downloading or not, so be sure to check it out before deciding. One thing this Download festival taught me is that I need to get some omnis.
I'm not too familiar with Mastodon, so if the set is not 100% correct then please let me know.
I hope you enjoy the recording, but please respect my wishes by not converting or distributing in a lossy format.
Montag, 18. November 2013
Gojira - 2013-11-15 - Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, IL flac
Aragon Ballroom
Chicago, IL
Taper: darktrain
Equip: Schoeps MK41's> Actives> Naiant Tinybox> Sony PCM-M10
Location: FOB, DFC
Aragon not the best sounding venue in Chicago by any means(In fact I can't stand the sound in there, there just isn't a good spot that I have ever found) and the sound guys really struggled with the mix all night but especially during 4Arm and Gojira, although seems like the "dialed" it in a bit better roughly halfway through Gojira. Not a fan of them but figured there are a few of you who would want it.
02-The Axe
04-Heaviest Matter Of The Universe
06-Flying Whales
07-L'Enfant Sauvage
08-Toxic Garbage Island
Paul Di Anno - 2013-11-09 - Pagney, France flac
Pub Rock « Chez Paulette »
Pagney-derrière-Barine (54) – France
November, 9th 2013
Taped by Bouvetøya
01. Intro (03:27)
02. Sanctuary (04:22)
03. Purgatory (04:00)
04. Wrathchild (03:01)
05. Prowler (05:37)
06. Murders in the Rue Morgue (04:35)
07. Genghis Khan (04:11)
08. Remember Tomorrow (05:32)
09. Charlot the Harlot (05:17)
10. Killers (03:58)
11. Phantom of the Opera (08:11)
12. Running Free (03:04)
13. Crowd for encores (01:40)
14. Transylvania (03:04)
15. Iron Maiden * (04:39)
Total Running Time (1:06:59)
Line-up :
Paul Di'Anno: Vocals
*Stéphane Graziani (Coverslave) + Paul Di'Anno: Vocals
Jean-Luc Van Praet (Coverslave) : Guitar
Eric Martins-Guerra (Coverslave) : Drums
Michel Vrydag (Coverslave) : Bass
Cédrick Saulnier (Coverslave) : Guitar
Lineage : Roland R-05 recorder (44 kHz - 16 bits) + Cardioid mic SP CMC 22 -> .wav file -> Audacity (dynamics + equalization) -> iTunes (track edition) -> xACT -> flac files -> uploaded
Looks like Paul was in a better mood that night than in Paris!
Enjoy and share freely! Do not sell nor dispatch as mp3. Thanks.
pass :
linkthiefmediaaddict (sorry mistake, he is not !)
Donnerstag, 14. November 2013
Paul Di'Anno - 2013-11-10 - Paris, France flac
Paul Di’Anno
(with musicians from « Coverslave »)
Le Divan du monde
taper: Moka17
2x CA11 > CA BB > EdirolR09HR > Adobe Audition 6.0 > xACT 2.24 > Flac8
1 Intro
2 Sanctuary
3 Purgatory
4 Wrathchild
5 Prowler
6 Murders in the rue Morgue
7 Genghis Khan
8 Remember tomorrow
9 charlotte the Harlot
10 Killers
11 Phantom of the Opera
12 Running Free
13 Transylvania
14 Iron Maiden
Probably only for Maiden die hard fans : Paul was drunk, had lost his voice during half of the songs, was aggressive with part of the audience, was not fun..but it is so great to hear again some old stuff from Maiden sung by him (Purgatory, Killers, Murder in the rue Morgue).
Ambiance was good and the french cover band who played with him is good too.
Dienstag, 5. November 2013
Tarja - 2013-11-02 - Cologne, Germany flac
Köln, Germany
Gloria Theater
audience recording
Recorder: IRiver H320
Microphone: Sony ECM-719
Format: 44kHz / 16 bit
Taper: Millslane
Trackpslit and Level adjust with Wavelab 5
Flac encoded with TLH level 8
In for a Kill
500 Letters
Sing for Me
Falling Awake
I Walk Alone
Anteroom of Death
Never Enough
Never Enough Band solo
Until Silence
Die Alive
Mystique Voyage
Encore Break 1
Victim of Ritual
Wish I Had an Angel
Until My Last Breath
Encore Break 2
Over The Hills And Far Away
complete Show: 104 min.
Samstag, 2. November 2013
Saxon - 2013-09-13 - BB Kings Blues Club, NYC, NY (AUD flac)
September 13, 2013 (Friday)
BB Kings Blues Club, New York, New York, USA.
AT-853 Mics > Bass Roll-Off Power Module > TASCAM DR-40 >
SD Card > 16-BIT, 44.1kHz wav > Adobe Audition 3.0 >
CD Wave Editor > Traders Little Helper > FLAC (Level 8).
01. Sacrifice
02. Wheels Of Terror
03. Power And The Glory
04. Heavy Metal Thunder
05. Made In Belfast
06. Crusader *
07. Dogs Of War
08. Motorcycle Man
09. Rock n Roll Gypsy
10. Guardians Of The Tomb **
11. Dallas 1 PM
12. 747 (Strangers In The Night)
13. Denim And Leather
14. Wheels Of Steel
15. Princess Of The Night
* Audience Request.
** 1st USA performance.
Total Time - 87:50.30
Biff Byford (Vocals)
Paul Quinn (Guitars, BG Vocals)
Doug Scarratt (Guitars, BG Vocals)
Nibbs Carter (Bass, BG Vocals)
Nigel Glockler (Drums, Percussion)
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