Samstag, 31. August 2013
Savatage - Paris, France 12.11.1997 (The Age of Discovery)
Savatage -
La Locomotive Paris, France 12th November 1997 (bootleg)
& 06-06-1998, Tokyo Japan
The Age of Discovery, Wake of Magellan Tour
Audience recording
Sound Quality: A
01. Ocean
02. Welcone
03. Chance
04. Jesus Saves
05. Turns to me
06. Handful of Rain
07. The Storm
08. This is the Time (1990)
09. The Hourglass
10. Blackjack Guilotine
11. The Wake of Magellan
12. Band Introduction
13. Dead Winter dead
14. Edge of Throns
15. Believe
16. Gutter Ballet
17. Guitar Solos
18. Hall of the Mountain King
19. Silk and Steel
20. One Child
21. Doesn't matter anyway
22. Mozart and Madness
23. Alone you breathe
Saxon - Aschaffenburg, Germany 26.06.2013
Colos Saal
Aschaffenburg, Germany
June 26, 2013
Source: Audience Zoom H2 Recording
Taped by: SF
Transferred by: SF
Track Setting, Setlist & Re-Work: CF
Zoom H2 > 24/48 > Internal Mics Rear 120 > CD Wave > dbpoweramp > 16/44 > Flac Level 8
Line Up:
Biff Byford - Vocals
Paul Quinn - Guitars
Doug Scarratt - Guitars
Nibbs Carter - Bass
Nigel Glockler - Drums
01 Procession
02 Sacrifice
03 Wheels Of Terror
04 Power And The Glory
05 To Hell And Back Again
06 Belfast
07 Motorcycle Man
08 I've Got To Rock (To Stay Alive)
09 Night Of The Wolf
10 Conquestadores
11 Drum Solo
12 Iron Wheels
13 Solid Ball Of Rock
14 Stand Up And Fight
15 Dallas 1 PM
16 Guardians Of The Tomb
17 747 (Strangers In The Night)
18 Strong Arm Of The Law
19 Wheels Of Steel
20 Encore Break
21 Crusader
22 Denim And Leather
23 Princess Of The Night
NOTES: SF Master Recording Series !
This Is Intended For Free Trade Only.
Do Not Buy Or Sell !
Support The Band Buying Their Stuff !
Visit & Enjoy Forthcoming Shows !
Rolling Stones - Glastonbury, UK 29.06.2013 (FM) (Source 2) flac
Glastonbury Festival
Worthy Farm
June 29th 2013
BBC Radio 2 Live Broadcast, FM Stereo
SOURCE: Sony ST-JX5 FM Tuner > Soundforge PRO 10c > FLAC Level 8 Align on Sector Boundaries
All Chat removed
Capture & Authoring, JTT
Rolling Stones - Glastonbury, UK 29.06.2013 (FM) flac
The Rolling Stones
Worthy Farm
Glastonbury, UK
29 June 2013
1. Miss You
2. Midnight Rambler (Mick Taylor electric guitar)
3. 2,000 Light Years From Home
4. Sympathy For The Devil
5. Start Me Up
6. Tumbling Dice
7. Brown Sugar
8. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
9. (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction (Mick Taylor acoustic guitar)
BBC Radio 2 FM: Marantz ST6000 tuner external dipole>Soundforge>Flac
Wow, left way behind by JTT and jyounguk on the video, but here is the BBC 2 Fm broadcast, with dj comments removed.
Rush - Berlin, Germamy 06.06.2013
June 6, 2013
O2 World
Berlin, Germany
Lineage: Trak VMP-340 VR (WAVE) -> Audacity (remastering) -> Trader's Little Helper (fixing SBEs, encoding to FLAC - 8 level) --> AIMP2 Advanced Tag Editor (FLAC) --> Torrent (FLAC) --> MP3
Upped by Arquest
Set 1:
Video Intro (Gearing Up)
The Big Money
Force 10
Grand Designs
The Body Electric
Analog Kid
Where's My Thing (with drum solo)
Far Cry
Intermission (Clockwork Angels String Ensemble enters)
Set 2:
Video Intro (The Appointment)
Clockwork Angels
The Anarchist
The Wreckers
Headlong Flight (with drum solo)
Halo Effect (with guitar solo intro)
Seven Cities Of Gold
The Garden
Manhattan Project
The Percussor (drum solo)
Red Sector A
(Clockwork Angels String Ensemble exits)
The Spirit of Radio
Tom Sawyer
2112 Overture/Temples of Syrinx/Grand Finale
Video Outro (Office Of The Watchmaker)
Due to quite low attendance there in Berlin I've eventually ended up in 'premium club' sector on the left side of stage (the Lerxst' one). During the second set I managed to get even closer to the stage. Very good show - though I missed The Pass and Dreamline, as they played in Cologne I think. Quite incredible for men around 60 to play for such a long time.
I hope you enjoy this recording as much as I did the show.
Rush - Amsterdam, Netherlands 02.06.2013
Rush - Clockwork Angels Tour
Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Sunday 02nd June 2013
Taper: dorenberg
Recording gear: Tascam DR-2d internal mics at 24bit/96kHz
Transfer: SDHC card --> Audition 24bit --> Little eq-ing --> Splitting --> WAV 16bit --> FLAC level 8 --> MP3
Duration: 2h 44m 10sec
Field recording. Middle 20m from stage
01 Intro (video section)
02 Subdivisions
03 The Big Money
04 Force Ten
05 Grand Designs
06 Limelight
07 Territories
08 The Analog Kid
09 Bravado
10 Where's My Thing
11 Far Cry
12 Intro Set 2
13 Caravan
14 Clockwork Angels
15 The Anarchist
16 Carnies
17 The Wreckers
18 Headlong Flight
19 Halo Effect
20 Seven Cities Of Gold
21 The Garden
22 Manhattan Project
23 Drum Solo
24 Red Sector A
25 YYZ
26 The Spirit Of Radio
27 Tom Sawyer
28 2112
Overal good sound.
Marilyn Manson - Mt. Pleasant, MI 29.06.2013
Marilyn Manson
June 29, 2013
Soaring Eagle Casino
Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
Masters of Madness
Shock Therapy Tour
with Alice Cooper (also taped)
Picture Me Broken
01 The Flower Duet (Lakmé)(Léo Delibes song)
02 Angel With the Scabbed Wings
03 Disposable Teens
04 No Reflection
05 Happiness Is a Warm Gun intro
06 The Dope Show
07 Rock Is Dead
08 Four Rusted Horses (with Orianthi on bass)
09 intro to Personal Jesus
10 Personal Jesus
11 Prelude (The Family Trip)
13 Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)
14 This Is the New Shit
15 Antichrist Superstar
16 encore break
17 The Beautiful People
duration: 60:24
Recorder: Sony PCM-M10 Mic: Sony ECM-DS70P
Lineage: M10 --> WAV (44,100 Hz, 16 bit, stereo) --> Audacity (editing) --> dBpoweramp (compression level 5) --> FLAC --> MP3
Location: audience left, row C
Taped by and uploaded by gladcarrot 6/30/2013
Marilyn Manson - Los Angeles, CA 06.06.2013
Alice Cooper & Marilyn Manson
Masters Of Madness: Shock Therapy Tour 2013
Gibson Amphitheatre
Los Angeles
Edirol R09-HR (Internal Mics) - Aiff (Mastering) - Flac - MP3
Marilyn Manson Set:
Taped Intro - The Flower Duet (not included)
01 Angel With The Scabbed Wings
02 Disposable Teens
03 No Reflection
04 The Dope Show
05 Rock Is Dead
06 Coma White
07 Personal Jesus (Depeche Mode)
09 Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (Eurythmics)
10 This Is The New Shit
11 Irresponsible Hate Anthem
12 The Beautiful People
Children Of Bodom - Tampere, Finland 08.06.2013 (incomplete)
Show info:
Band: Children Of Bodom
Date: 2013-06-08
Venue: "Sauna Open Air", Ratina stadium
City: Tampere
Country: Finland
Recording info:
Length: 50 minutes
Source: Incomplete audience recording, master source
Quality: A- (Grading: A = Excellent, B = Good, C = Fair, D = Poor)
Taper: j3saari
Equipment: Zoom H1 w/integrated microphones --> WAV (stereo, 48kHz/24-bit)
Recording position: ~10 meters from stage , dead center
Catalog #: J3M017
01 Intro
02 Transference
03 Needled 24-7
04 Living Dead Beat
05 Shovel Knockout
06 Angels Don't Kill
07 Halo Of Blood
08 Bodom After Midnight
09 Silent Night, Bodom Night
10 Hate Me!
11 Everytime I Die
12 In Your Face (cut)
Master WAV --> Cubase 5 LE (resampling 48kHz/24-bit -> 44.1kHz/16-bit / fade in & out / mastering) --> CdWav (track splitting) --> Trader's Little Helper (encoding to FLAC (Level 5)) --> MP3
Mastering notes (Cubase 5 LE):
- Normalized
- Slight EQ applied using "TWest CS12M" and "Brainworx bx_digital V2 Mono" VST plugins.
- Limiting applied (smooth falling algorithm) using "TLs Mastering Maximizer" VST plugin.
Other comments:
This recording is unfortunately a bit incomplete... approximately 20 min from the end is missing. I can't be 100% sure what happened,
but I was located right next to mosh pit, and it might be that one of the hits and pushes I got accidentally switched the recording off.
I don't really mind, as CoB was the least important band for me on that day. I don't know what it is, but this band doesn't just do it for me.
- Alexi Laiho – Vocals, guitars
- Jaska Raatikainen – Drums
- Henkka Seppälä – Bass
- Janne Wirman – Keyboards
- Roope Latvala – Guitars
My list:
Feel free to contact me for an online trade.
I'm always looking for ANY recording by ANY bands done in FINLAND,
especially those done in the 80's or 90's.
Alice Cooper - Mt. Pleasant, MI 29.06.2013
Alice Cooper
June 29, 2013
Soaring Eagle Casino
Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
Masters of Madness
Shock Therapy Tour
with Marilyn Manson (also taped)
Picture Me Broken
01 The Underture
02 Hello Hooray
03 No More Mr. Nice Guy
04 Billion Dollar Babies
05 I'll Bite Your Face Off
06 Is It My Body
07 Under My Wheels
08 Hey Stoopid
09 Poison
10 Dirty Diamonds(with Band solos)
11 Welcome to My Nightmare
12 Go to Hell
13 Feed My Frankenstein
14 Ballad of Dwight Fry
15 I Love the Dead
16 School's Out
17 encore break
18 I'm Eighteen(with Marilyn Manson)
duration 69:04
After seeing Manson open for Rob Zombie severel times in the past year, it was refreshing to see Alice Cooper for the first time. I only have a passing familiarity with his material but am certainly aware of how he paved the way for a lot of aspects that Manson utilized in the creation of his own persona. This was a damn fine show and I found myself enjoying it more the longer it lasted. I hope my favorite bands still have this much energy in their 60s.
Recorder: Sony PCM-M10 Mic: Sony ECM-DS70P
Lineage: M10 --> WAV (44,100 Hz, 16 bit, stereo) --> Audacity (editing) --> dBpoweramp (compression level 5) --> FLAC --> MP3
Location: audience left, row C
Taped by and uploaded by gladcarrot 7/2/2013
Alice Cooper - Los Angeles, CA 06.06.2013
Alice Cooper & Marilyn Manson
Masters Of Madness: Shock Therapy Tour 2013
Gibson Amphitheatre
Los Angeles
Edirol R09-HR (Internal Mics) - Aiff (Mastering) - Flac - MP3
Alice Cooper Set:
Taped Intro - The Underture (not included)
01 Hello Hooray (Judy Collins)
02 House Of Fire
03 No More Mr Nice Guy
04 Billion Dollar Babies
05 I'll Bite Your Face Off
06 Is It My Body
07 Under My Wheels
08 Hey Stoopid
09 Poison
10 Dirty Diamonds
11 Welcome To My Nightmare
12 Go To Hell
13 Feed My Frankenstein
14 Ballad Of Dwight Fry
15 Killer (Segment)
16 School's Out
17 I'm Eighteen (w/ Marilyn Manson)
Whitesnake - Osaka, Japan 10.05.2013 (Made In Osaka)
1. Concert & Torrent Info
(1) Artist:@Whitesnake
David Coverdale - Vocal
Doug Aldrich - Guitar
Reb Beach - Guitar
Michael Devin - Bass
Tommy Aldridge - Drums
Brian Ruedy ? Keyboards
(2) Date & Venue:
May 10th 2013 Orix Theater, Osaka Japan
(3) Disc Title & Catalog #: Made In Osaka(Come Taste The Beer / T&J-TWOSP-047/48
(4) The Production Team; the Wall of Sound Project
a. Tapers: Tom & Jerry
b. Sound Editor: Naniwa Hot Brothers the
c. Art Work Designer: Mickey Jaggar
(5) Artwork included.
2. Recording + Remastering Info
MK4>Nbox>M-10(24bit/98kHz, line-in, Rec Level 4)>PC
Wav Files (24bit/98kHz)>Transferred to Sound Forge Ver.10 Files(track split/Click&Crackle/Normalize-Volume Adjustment/Dithered to 16bit/44kHz files)> Transferred to FLC files > Transferred to MP3
<<<<<<< NO EQ NOR NO COMPRESSION !!!! >>>>>>>>
4. Set List/Disc Info
00 Before The Show
01 Intro
02 Give Me All Your Love
03 Ready an' Willing
04 Can You Hear the Wind Blow
05 Don't Break My Heart Again
06 Is This Love
07 DC Speech
08 Gambler
09 Love Will Set You Free
10 Pistols At Dawn (Doug & Reb Guitar Solo)
11 Steal Your Heart Away
12 Drum Solo
13 Tommy Aldridge Drums Solo/Steal Your Heart Away(Reprise)
14 Band Intructions
15 Ain't No Love in the Heart of the City
16 The Deeper The Love
17 Guilty of Love
18 DC Speech
19 Forevermore
20 Hit An' Run Intro/Fool For Your Loving
21 Here I Go Again
22 Crowd
23 Still of the Night
24 We Wish You Well(Ending Song)
25 After Show Announcement
5. Mickeyfs Notes:
I was delightedly surprised with Whitesnakefs last show from Japan Tour 2013. Rumor has it Davidfs pipe was complete toast and his singing would get progressively worse, and then the worst would be most likely to be the last show (Osaka). So I was strongly advised to avoid the last gig and to get a ticket for the first or the second to the last show.
To be fair to Coverdale, he was suffering from severe vocal fold edema and a left vocal fold vascular lesion IN THE PAST. I knew that many of loyal Whitesnake fans cried out begging them to throw in the towel at numerous shows IN THE PAST. But that was then, this is now. Some say he fully recovered and has gotten his voice back. So I took a quick look at the latest picture of him on his facebook and wondered gHow the hell he looks so young and hairlycHe looks dumb good to be a pushing 60 year old rocker. So I figured "I should check this band at the most convinienet venue, Orix Theater, Osaka (30mins away from my house). And no matter what, at least I could say I saw his act one last time. Whatever will be will be"
The show was SOLD OUT. Orix Theater Osaka was completely packed with total different age groups from seemingly totally different walk of life. I also saw a couple of 8-10 year old boys and girls with their 30 to 50 something year old parents. The variety of the audience in different age group reflects upon this bandfs long successfully carrier and creation of loyal fans in different generation in Japan.
Just like any other good show, as the show time approached, I could feel the boiling excitement and anticipation forming the good vibe on the floor. When the light was out and the Whofs My Generation announced the opening of the show, Coverdale and his mates sneaked out on the stage in the dark. I could not see much with dimmed lights but Coverdale looked very healthy and fit kitted with the regular; the tour shirt. The opening chords and the thunderous drums of GIVE ME ALL YOUR LOVING TONIGHT blasted through the stacks on the stage. Coverdale moved around and covered the whole stage with the massive energy and finesse of a man half his age. Coverdale was in top form and clearly up for the job. Aldrich and Beach newly added on board, Davidfs voice was sounding full, strong and most of all convincing. Every now and then Coverdale seemed to take a break or rest his voice in the middle of guitar or drum solo during a 90 min show. It was rather short but surely worthy of checking it
6. Tapersf & Sound Editorsf Notes:
Recorded from this venuesf only one sweet sound spot with MK4 and Nbox combo. It all turns out to be one of the best recordings this year. The low end might sound a tad thinner than it should be but this is exactly how it sounded that night.
Highly recommended for all of Whitesnake fans. Get it quick and crank the volume all the way up!!
Steel Panther - Columbia, MD 04.05.2013
Steel Panther
Columbia, MD
Merriweather Post Pavilion
May 4, 2013
and Battery box SP-SPSB-10
SD-HC > WAV > Cool Edit Pro 2.1 96/24 > 44/16 > CD Wave Editor > Trader's Little Helper > MP3
01. Intro
02. Eyes of a Panther
03. Tomorrow Night
04. Talk / Jokes & Band Intro's
05. Fat Girl (Thar She Blows)
06. Asian Hooker
07. Just Like Tiger Woods
08. Talk / Jokes
09. Party All Day (Fuck All Night)
10. Talk / Jokes
11. Community Property
12. Talk / Jokes
13. 17 Girls in a Row
14. Talk / Jokes
15. Death to All but Metal
Before I start to get PM again, these arew the only bands I taped at M3
Danger Danger
Steel Panther
Support the band by buying official released music and seeing them on tour.
Sepultura - Norje, Sweden 07.06.2012
Date: 2012.06.07 (June 7th 2012)
Source: Aud
Lineage: H Zoom2 > CD > MP3
Artwork: No
Time: CD 1 - 46:22 min & CD 2 - 47:33 min
Quality: 4 (out of 5)
CD 1 -
01. Intro
02. Dark Wood Of Error
03. Refuse / Resist
04. Kairos
05. Rentless
06. Dead Embryonic Cells
07. Convicted In Life
08. Dialog
09. Attitude
10. What I Do!
11. Choke
12. Mast
CD 2 -
01. Septic Schizo
02. Escape From The Void
03. Sepulnation
04. Eloy Casgrande - SOLO
05. Subraction
06. Just A Fix
07. Territory
08. Inner Self*
09. Politia
10. Arise*
11. Ratamahatta
12. Roots Bloddy Roots
* = I Forgot to put these on the text. So I edit the text here and the file is OK too.
Sorry for the trouble.
This was one of the highlight, for me anyway, last year. I really enjoyed seeing
Sepultura again. They did a great job and the selection of songs
was really good. A little bit for everyone I think.
There is a little talk among the audience but it´s not that much.
I haven´t uploaded this before and this is the first time
I listen to it myself.
Rush - Glasgow, Scotland 30.05.2013 (Blah Blah BLAH In Glasgow)
RUSH - Clockwork Angels Tour -Blah Blah BLAH In Glasgow
Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre
Glasgow 30TH MAY 2013
A Digital Hobbit master
The show itself From the start WAS amazing from the rumbling of subdivisions and the Only uk/European performance of Limelight. spectacular lighting effects and videos a Hooge amount of time and money spent on that ..JUST a shame that the same wasn't spent on a decent sound system. The secc hall 4 isn't good for music its a HOOGE empty barn of a hall (that's why there building the Hydro next door apparently) BUT having some Roof hung speakers pointed at the Floor level of the venue only caters slightly towards the HOT seats (those insane enough to have paid £240) so the rest have to get what they get. That said this is the best recording I could get from where I was sitting. the clockwork angels set of the show was amazing.. I love this album and despite reservations by my friends Live awesome
I was seated on the RAISED seats at the rear of the venue Origionally in Block Q ROW J WHEN I ARRIVED AT VENUE I was puzzled at the access to that block being BLOCKED off I entered thru the lane to Block N. to find that several sections were covered PQ AND R and without so much as a Sorry were having to move you I had my ticket taken and new seats written on it NOW in BLOCK N ROW K seat 3. no complaints there then moved to a slightly better View ,rather than side on now front side on. Now I never had any real complaints as the Tickets for this show ran around £75 POUNDS PLUS CHARGES for front FLOOR and £65 plus charges for other areas and it seemed like £ 60 plus charges for the raised seats. sadly for the guys I was sitting beside that had bought there 65 pound tickets the day before. I had paid just £35 for mine.. yes I would be a bit hacked off as well. Now the show I have NO doubts that most people that think the show was worth that money BUT there would be NO EMPTY seats at either side of the back of this 10000 seater arena if the BAND or indeed the promotor had scaled down the PRICES slightly Oh they did Cos in they had set up the £35 seats no doubt as they were struggling to sell..But didn't mention them unless the BUYER asked.
This isn't my Best recording but its Good enough to be a record of the event.
lastly of the secc it SUCKS as a venue for sound .In fact it kinda SUCKS as a venue rip off prices vending machines turned off to force people to buy from the In house Drink and food suppliers car parking rip offs.. But at the end of it alL we go see the bands we love..
This isn't sliced to fit CDS but split into two sets just like the Gigs
Lineage: Roland mics -edirol r09-sd card -pc -audacity-TLH-FLAC-YOU
Band Line-up
Geddy Lee - vocals, bass, synthesizers
Alex Lifeson - guitar, vocals, synthesizers
Neil Peart - drums, cymbals, electronic percussion
Clockwork Angels String Ensemble
set 1
Gearing Up - intro video
Big Money
Force Ten
Grand Designs
The Analog Kid
The Pass
Where’s My Thing? (with drum solo)
Far Cry
Part 2
The Appointment - intro video
Clockwork Angels
The Anarchist
The Wreckers
Headlong Flight (with drum solo)
Halo Effect
Wish Them Well
The Garden
Drum Solo
Red Sector A
The Spirit of Radio
Tom Sawyer
2112 Part I: Overture
2112 Part II: The Temples of Syrinx
2112 Part VII: Grand Finale
The Office of the Watchmaker - outro video
A Digital Hobbit MASTER..
Rush - Sheffield, UK 28.05.2013 (Steel City Angels)
ARTIST NAME: Rush - Clockwork Angels Tour
BOOTLEG TITLE: Steel City Angels
VENUE: Motorpoint Arena
CITY: Sheffield
DATE: 2013-05-28
TAPER: jimmygill63
LINEAGE: Olympus LS-3 internal mics (PCM 96/24) > SD card > PC > Magix ACL MX (splitting, fades and level adjustment) > Flac 24bit
LOCATION: Floor Block A, Row: 38 - Left of mixing desk on aisle
NOTES: Not the greatestst of seats for my first visit to this venue. But, a great gig none the less by one of my favourite bands.
Found that we were seated right next to the mixing desk and approximately 5 metres from the "eagle eyed" Security Supervisor. Hence the use of the internal mics!
Hall sound was not the best and typical of this type of monster shed venue, although sound issues appear to be commonplace on this tour judging from others comments.
Not too bad a recording considering the circumstances.
Geddy Lee - vocals, bass, keyboards
Alex Lifeson - guitar, vocals
Neil Peart - drums, percussion
Clockwork Angels String Ensemble
Set 1
01 Intro
02 Subdivisions
03 The Big Money
04 Force Ten
05 Grand Designs
06 The Body Electric
07 Territories
08 The Analog Kid
09 Bravado
10 Where's My Thing
11 Far Cry
Set 2
01 Set 2 Intro
02 Caravan
03 Clockwork Angels
04 The Anarchist
05 Carnies
06 The Wreckers
07 Headlong Flight
08 Halo Effect
09 Seven Cities Of Gold
10 The Garden
11 Manhattan Project
12 Drum Solo
13 Red Sector A
14 YYZ
15 The Spirit Of Radio
16 Encore Intro
17 Tom Sawyer
18 2112 Part I: Overture
19 2112 Part II: The Temples of Syrinx
20 2112 Part VII: Grand Finale
21 Outro
Rush - London, UK 24.05.2013
Rush - London O2 - 24th May 2013
Set 1:
01. Gearing Up - intro video
02. Subdivisions
03. The Big Money
04. Force Ten
05. Grand Designs
06. The Body Electric
07. Territories
08. The Analog Kid
09. Bravado
10. Where's My Thing? (including drum solo)
11. Far Cry
Set 2: (with Clockwork Angels String Ensemble)
12. The Appointment - intro video
13. Caravan
14. Clockwork Angels
15. The Anarchist
16. Carnies
17. The Wreckers
18. Headlong Flight (including drum solo)
19. Halo Effect (guitar solo intro)
20. Seven Cities of Gold
21. The Garden
22. Manhattan Project
23. Drum Solo (The Percussor)
24. Red Sector A
25. YYZ
26. The Spirit of Radio (without String Ensemble)
27. Tom Sawyer - intro video
28. Tom Sawyer
29. 2112 Part I: Overture
30. 2112 Part II: The Temples of Syrinx
31. 2112 Part VII: Grand Finale
32. The Office of the Watchmaker - outro video
Rear of Arena 1st level -> Church-Audio CA-11 Stereo Cardioid Microphones ->
ZOOM H2 @ 24bit 48 KHz (+Limiter) -> Steinberg Wavelab -> light EQ -> CDDA -> 24bit FLAC -> MP3
Traders Little Helper MD5
Band Line-up
Geddy Lee - vocals, bass, synthesizers
Alex Lifeson - guitar, vocals, synthesizers
Neil Peart - drums, cymbals, electronic percussion
Clockwork Angels String Ensemble
Please do not sell this recording but share freely and enjoy it!
Rush - Manchester, UK 22.05.2013 (Source 2)
Manchester Arena, Manchester, England
22nd May 2013
This capture is by a different taper on different equipment from the superb recording by rbose1
Source : Master audience recording
Lineage : Tascam DR-05 (Internal mics 24/48) > Audacity (fade in/out, envelope tool to attenuate explosions, amplify +6db, track splits) > WAV (16/44.1) > TLH(FLAC level 8) > MP3
Set One :
Set One Intro Video
The Big Money
Force Ten
Grand Designs
Middletown Dreams
The Analog Kid
The Pass
Where's My Thing?
Drum Solo
Where's My Thing? (reprise)
Far Cry
Set Two :
Set Two Intro Video
Clockwork Angels
The Anarchist
The Wreckers
Headlong Flight
Guitar solo
Halo Effect
Wish Them Well
The Garden
Drum Solo
Red Sector A
The Spirit of Radio
Encore Break
Tom Sawyer (Intro Video)
Tom Sawyer
2112-The Temples of Syrinx
2112-Grand Finale
Outro video
My first time taping my favourite band, also my first attempt at taping a big arena gig so I was pretty nervous about security. I got in OK with no problems (phew !!), only brush with security was because the guy next to me was filming on his phone during "Subdivisions" and was "politely" asked to stop.
The sound wasn't great where we were (balcony, towards the back, Geddy's side). I considered not uploading this after hearing rbose1's recording, but then I thought "What the hell, there's always room for some more Rush in the world". So here goes...
NEVER buy or sell.
Rush - Manchester, UK 22.05.2013
MCR Arena, Manchester, UK 2013-05-22
Set list
Disc 1
01 Gearing Up Intro video
02 Subdivisions
03 The Big Money
04 Force Ten
05 Grand Designs
06 Middletown Dreams
07 Territories
08 The Analog Kid
09 The Pass
10 Where's My Thing?
11 Drum Solo
12 Where's My Thing? (reprise)
13 Far Cry
Disc 2
01 The Appointment Intro video
02 Caravan*
03 Clockwork Angels*
04 The Anarchist*
05 Carnies*
06 The Wreckers*
07 Headlong Flight*
08 Guitar solo
09 Halo Effect*
10 Wish Them Well*
11 The Garden*
Disc 3
01 Dreamline*
02 Drum Solo - The Percussor*
03 Red Sector A*
04 YYZ*
05 The Spirit of Radio
06 Intro video
07 Tom Sawyer
08 2112 Part I: Overture
09 2112 Part II: The Temples of Syrinx
10 2112 Part VII: Grand Finale
11 The Office of the Watchmaker Outro video
Band Line-up
Geddy Lee - vocals, bass, synthesizers
Alex Lifeson - guitar, vocals, synthesizers
Neil Peart - drums, cymbals, electronic percussion
Clockwork Angels String Ensemble*
Sound Professionals SP-CMC-8 Microphones
Sound Professionals SP-SPSB-11 Mini Battery Module with Bass Roll-Off (16Hz)
Edirol R-09HR 44.1kHz / 16 bit
USB>PC>CD Wave Editor>Trader's Little Helper>FLAC level 8>MP3
Legendary rock trio Rush return to Manchester Arena to celebrate the release of their latest
album Clockwork Angels.
Please do not sell this recording but share freely and enjoy it!
Rush - Atlantic City, NJ 11.05.2013
Rush – 2013-05-11 – Trump Taj Mahal Casino Etess Arena – Atlantic City NJ
Recorded by nivekissor from Geddy’s side right in front of the stacks, Section 102, Row 9, Seat 1
iPhone 4 internal microphone– iRecorder app = aifc files-->NHC file convertor -->WAV recordings -->NCH WAV editor to track and patch recordings -->NCH File Converter --> 48k Hz/24bit level 8 flac --> MP3
Total running time: 02:43:35
1. Gearing Up Video
2. Subdivisions
3. The Big Money
4. Force Ten
5. Grand Designs
6. Limelight
7. Territories
8. The Analog Kid
9. Bravado
10. Where's My Thing? (Drum Solo 1)
11. Far Cry
12. The Appointment Video
13. Caravan * with Clockwork Angels String Ensemble
14. Clockwork Angels *
15. The Anarchist *
16. Carnies *
17. The Wreckers *
18. Headlong Flight (Drum Solo 2) *
19. Halo Effect (Alex Lifeson Guitar Solo Intro)*
20. Seven Cities of Gold *
21. The Garden *
22. Manhattan Project *
23. Drum Solo (The Percussor)
24. Red Sector A *
25. YYZ *
26. The Spirit of Radio (Without string ensemble)
27. Encore Intro Video
28. Tom Sawyer
29. 2112 Part I: Overture
2112 Part II: The Temples of Syrinx
2112 Part VII: Grand Finale
After seeing the boys every time they get near Philly since November of ’84 (Both Spectrum nights), I tried my hand at recording a show. Packed arena made for a great show and I was lucky being on the end of an aisle, so I had room around me and decent seat mates that didn’t talk through the show or scream. There were a couple of technical glitches. Geddy’s keyboards seemed to go silent a bit in the beginning of Subdivisions and there seemed to be a stutter start on YYZ, but otherwise a pretty tight show on their part. On my part, I accidentally stopped recording twice on The Garden, but I patched it together fairly well with minimal loss. I also missed the outro video.
I was going to bring my M10 to record, but wasn’t sure how security would be (nonexistent – I could have brought a sound studio in!), so I relied on my iPhone which surprisingly takes a nice recording.
I hope you enjoy it just as it was recorded with no mastering done, please just don’t sell it.
-nivekissor 05-2013
Rush - Uncasville, CT 09.05.2013 (Source 3)
Mohegan Sun Arena
Uncasville, CT
May 9th, 2013
Geddy Lee - vocals, bass, keyboards
Alex Lifeson - guitar, vocals
Neil Peart - drums, percussion
The Clockwork Angels String Ensemble
David Campbell - Conductor
Joel Derouin - Violin
Gerry Hilera - Violin
Jonathan Dinklage - Violin
Entcho Tudorov - Violin
Mario De Leon - Violin
Audrey Solomon - Violin
Jacob Szekely - Cello
Adele Stein - Cello
Source 1: Ringfedder
Location: Section 20
Lineage: Sennheiser ME-104's > Tascam DR-07 (16/44.1, 40hz bass rolloff) > USB
> PC > GoldWave v5.56 (invert, balance levels) > CDWaveEditor v1.96 (track split)
> TLH > Flac (6) > MP3
Source 2: A Kitty Lickin' Discs Production
Location: Unknown
Lineage{: SP-CMC-2 > SP-SPSB-8 > Sony PCM-M10 > USB > Wavelab 6.1 > CDWAV > FLAC > MP3
Set One:
01 01 Gearing Up Intro Video 2:22
01 02 Subdivisions 5:38
01 03 The Big Money 5:59
01 04 Force Ten 5:45
01 05 Grand Designs 5:13
01 06 Limelight 4:30
01 07 Territories 6:52
01 08 The Analog Kid 5:29
01 09 The Pass 5:02
01 10 Where's My Thing? (w drum solo) 8:34
01 11 Far Cry 5:40
Total Time 61:04
Set Two:
02 01 The Appointment (intro video) 8:10
02 02 Caravan 5:40
02 03 Clockwork Angels 8:01
02 04 The Anarchist 7:02
02 05 Carnies 5:21
02 06 The Wreckers 5:42
02 07 Headlong Flight 8:17
02 08 Halo Effect 4:53
02 09 Wish Them Well 6:34
02 10 The Garden 7:25
02 11 Dreamline 5:19
02 12 The Percussor (w/ drum solo) 3:33
02 13 Red Sector A 5:19
02 14 YYZ 4:45
02 15 The Spirit Of Radio 6:06
Total Time: 92:07
03 01 Intro Video 0:49
03 02 Tom Sawyer 5:06
03 03 2112 8:53
03 04 The Office Of The Watchmaker (outro video) 2:37
Total Time: 17:25
Total Concert Time: 2:50:36
1. Repair clipping, each source
2. Re-balance frequencies/EQ, each source
3. Correct balance, each source
4. Synchronize source
5. Patch missing sections of each to make recording complete
6. Mix sources to create stereo field
7. Correct phasing and center sound field
8. Make manual adjustments where necessary
9. Re-track
2112 (Part 1: Overture, Part II: The Temples Of Syrinx, Part VII: Grand Finale)
The Clockwork Angels String Ensemble plays during the second set.
For 3CD Burn: Set 1, Set 2[1..12], Set 2[13..15] plus Encore
This is an RMCH Remaster that is not part of the PRRP series or the RMCH Series. We do not intend to make artwork for any of these releases,
Check out
Rush - Uncasville, CT 09.05.2013 (Source 2)
Arena @ Mohegan Sun Casino
Uncasville, CT
May 09, 2013
Clockwork Angels tour
This capture is by a different taper on different equipment from the fine work by relayer35 :
Source info:
Sennheiser ME-104's>Tascam DR-07 (16/44.1, 40hz bass rolloff)
>USB> PC> GoldWave v5.56 (invert, balance levels)> CDWaveEditor v1.96 (track split)> TLH> Flac (6)> MP3
Taper: Ringfedder
Location: Section 20
Sound Quality: Excellent
Set One:
01. Gearing Up Intro Video
02. Subdivisions
03. The Big Money
04. Force Ten
05. Grand Designs
06. Limelight
07. Territories
08. The Analog Kid
09. The Pass
10. Where's My Thing? (w/ drum solo)
11. Far Cry
Set Two:
01. The Appointment (intro video)
02. Caravan
03. Clockwork Angels
04. The Anarchist
05. Carnies
06. The Wreckers
07. Headlong Flight
08. Halo Effect
09. Wish Them Well
10. The Garden
11. Dreamline
12. The Percussor (drum solo)
13. Red Sector A
14. YYZ
15. The Spirit Of Radio
16. Intro Video
17. Tom Sawyer
18. 2112 (Part 1: Overture, Part II: The Temples Of Syrnix, Part VII: Grand Finale)
19 The Office Of The Watchmaker (outro video)
Geddy Lee - bass, pedals, keyboards
Alex Lifeson - guitar, keyboards
Neil Peart - drums
Clockwork Angels String Ensemble - Set II (tracks 01 - 14)
Hello Everyone
Sometimes I question whether or not to label Rush as a Prog Rock band. One could argue that for a period, they weren't very progressive. Clockwork Angels I think has a subtle progressive edge to it. Nice to hear from a band I've idolized for a long time. Great show.
Rush - Uncasville, CT 09.05.2013
Mohegan Sun Arena
Uncasville, CT
Taper : relayer35
Geddy Lee - vocals, bass, keyboards
Alex Lifeson - guitar, vocals
Neil Peart - drums, percussion
The Clockwork Angels String Ensemble (Disc 2, Disc 3 Tracks 1-4)
David Campbell - Conductor
Joel Derouin - Violin
Gerry Hilera - Violin
Jonathan Dinklage - Violin
Entcho Tudorov - Violin
Mario De Leon - Violin
Audrey Solomon - Violin
Jacob Szekely - Cello
Adele Stein - Cello
A Kitty Lickin' Discs Production
Disc One
1. Intro
2. Subdivisions
3. The Big Money
4. Force Ten
5. Grand Designs
6. Limelight
7. Territories
8. The Analog Kid
9. The Pass
10. Where's My Thing?
11. Far Cry
Disc Two
1. The Appointment (intro video)
2. Caravan
3. Clockwork Angels
4. The Anarchist
5. Carnies
6. The Wreckers
7. Headlong Flight
8. Halo Effect
9. Wish Them Well
10. The Garden
Disc Three
1. Dreamline
2. The Percussor
3. Red Sector A
4. YYZ
5. The Spirit Of Radio
6. Intro Video
7. Tom Sawyer
8. 2112 (Part 1: Overture, Part II: The Temples Of Syrnix, Part VII: Grand Finale)
Disc Three
Lineage: SP-CMC-2 > SP-SPSB-8 > Sony PCM-M10 > USB > Wavelab 6.1 > CDWAV > FLAC > MP3
Artwork included
Rush - Baltimore, MD 07.05.2013
May 7, 2013
1st Mariner Arena
Baltimore, MD
DISC 1/3 (62:00)
01) intro
02) Subdivisions
03) The Big Money
04) Force Ten
05) Grand Designs
06) The Body Electric
07) Territories
08) The Analog Kid
09) Bravado
10) Where's My Thing? (including Drum Solo)
11) Far Cry
DISC 2/3 (65:08)
01) intro
02) Caravan
03) Clockwork Angels
04) The Anarchist
05) Carnies
06) The Wreckers
07) Headlong Flight
08) Halo Effect
09) Seven Cities Of Gold
10) The Garden
DISC 3/3 (42:11)
01) Manhattan Project
02) The Percussor
03) Red Sector A
04) YYZ
05) The Spirit of Radio
06) Tom Sawyer
07) 2112: Overture / The Temples of Syrinx / Grand Finale
08) outro
WAV [24/96] (Master) > WAV [16/44.1] (Sony Sound Forge 9.0) > FLAC [Level 8] > MP3
Sound Professionals SP-CMC-2 > Sony PCM-M10
Rush - Raleigh, NC 03.05.2013
PNC Arena
Raleigh, NC (USA)
Source: Rode iXY Microphone/iphone using Rode Recorder software
Transfer: Onkyo Stereo ipod dock/Mic2496 V2 Portable Mic Pre-amp/A-to-D Converter (coax out)/Marantz PMD661 Recorder
Editing: Adobe Audition CS6 edition
Seat: Section 119 Row A
Recorded and transferred by UNIVONC
Story Line:
I think this is a pretty stellar capture with my iPhone again.
I am really liking the iXY mic
Very stealthy and does not cause any detection whatsoever
Still have to do a manual transfer with the full file since it was over 2 GB of recording.
The phone was placed unobstructed on a flat rail right in front of the Right stack
Very minimal talking at all.
What impresses me the most is the detail to which I can hear
For example: I can hear the "chick" of the coins at the beginning of Big Money
Samples always provided for previewing
I did not include the obnxoious video feed before the second set.
SETLIST: (02:40:41)
Set One
1. Video Intro
2. Subdivisions
3. The Big Money
4. Force Ten
5. Grand Designs
6. The Body Electric
7. Territories
8. The Analog Kid
9. Bravado
10. Where's My Thing?
11. Far Cry
Set Two, with string section
12. Caravan
13. Clockwork Angels
14. The Anarchist
15. Carnies
16. The Wreckers
17. Headlong Flight
18. Halo Effect
19. Seven Cities of Gold
20. The Garden
21. Manhattan Project
22. Drum Solo
23. Red Sector A
24. YYZ
25. The Spirit of Radio
26. Tom Sawyer
27. 2112 Part I: Overture
2112 Part II: The Temples of Syrinx
2112 Part VII: Grand Finale
Rush - Nashville, TN 01.05.2013 (Source 2)
Rush 2013-05-01 Bridgestone Arena Nashville
Awia CM-TS55 > Tascam DR-2r Recorder (@24/48000) > SDHC card >
PC > WavePad > TLH > Flac > MP3
Taped by Jerry B. aka "The Govner"
BAND - Geddy Lee * Alex Lifeson * Neil Peart
The Clockwork Angels String Ensemble
Conducted by David Campbell
Joel Derouin * Gerry Hilera * Jonathan Dinklage
Entcho Tudorov * Mario De Leon * Audrey Solomon
Jacob Szekely * Adele Stein
Set 1 62:06
00 Rush 2013-05-01 Concert Promo
01 Gearing up
02 Subdivisions
03 The Big Money
04 Force Ten
05 Grand Designs
06 Limelight
07 Territories
08 The Analog Kid
09 Bravado
10 Where's My Thing
11 Far Cry
Set 2 90:54
01 The Appointment
02 Caravan
03 Clockwork Angels
04 The Anarchist
05 Carnies
06 The Wreckers
07 Headlong Flight
08 Halo Effect
09 Seven Cities Of Gold
10 The Garden
11 Manhatten Project
12 The Percussor - Neil Peart Drum Solo
13 Red Sector A
14 YYZ
15 The Spirit Of Radio
Encore 18:15
16 Audience & Video Intro
17 Tom Sawyer
18 2112 Part I Part II & Part VII
19 The Office Of The Watchmaker
Total Time 171:15
This would be the 3rd Rush show from the current "Clockwork Angels" tour I have attended and is an alternate recording to go with the version uploaded by pgroove fan. It is also an opportunity for Phil to see the whole show this time! All went well and unexpectly seen some friends from Knoxville who was guests of Nick Raskulinecz (who was a Knoxville boy who has done well for himself) who got to meet Alex after the show. A great day over all!
Rush - Nashville, TN 01.05.2013 (Remaster Version)
Rush - Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, TN - USA 2013-05-01 (Remaster Version)
Remaster to adjust EQ.
Many Thanks to pgroove_fan for the original torrent & the open invitation to have a go at remastering it.
Band: Rush
Venue: Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, TN, USA
Date: 1st May 2013
Recording Information (from original Dime torrent):
Source (Taper: pgroove_fan): Sound Professionals SP-CMC-9 > Naiant Littlebox > Edirol R09HR @ 48K/24b
Lineage & Transfer: SD > PC > Audacity (fades, process down to 44.1K/16b) > CDWave (registered) >
Trader's Little Helper (flac 8) > Dime
This Remaster (Cuztard Pi): *.flac (24bit/48Khz) > Foobar2000 > *.wav -> Wavelab6 & HarBal > *.wav (16bit/44.1kHz) > Foobar2000 (level 8) > *.flac > MP3
Title: Missing Lord Stanley in Nashville
Disc 1 (1h 19mins)
Set 1:
The Big Money
Force 10
Grand Designs
The Analog Kid
Where's My Thing?
Far Cry
~~ Intermission ~~
Set 2:
Clockwork Angels
The Anarchist
Disc 2 (1h 18mins)
The Wreckers
Headlong Flight
Halo Effect
Seven Cities Of Gold
The Garden
Manhattan Project
The Percussor
Red Sector A
The Spirit Of Radio
~~ encore ~~
Tom Sawyer (prelude)
Tom Sawyer
2112 Overture / Temples / Grand Finale
flac tags & fingerprints & MD5 files are included.
*** Note - Apart from the intermission, the recording is continuous but if you want to put it on 2xCDRs then split it after track 13,'The Anarchist'.
Artwork for this one is available in the original torrent comments (& copied here; thanks to shemethree)
There are only 2 recent Rush shows on Dime so I thought it would be worthwhile to answer the invite from pgroove_fan to have a go at remastering this very nice recording of his. The original recording is very clean with minimal audience intrusion so is well worth the effort to try & improve things a bit. The original recording does have some issues with the EQ including a hole between 100Hz & 200Hz & a broad resonance at around 880kHz.
So I've done the usual clean up & adjust that I do to my own recordings to try & make the best of it. This is the result. It turned out quite nice so I thought I would risk it & share it with you nice folks at Dime (notice I said 'nice' LOL), so please be gentle!! ;-D
The basic details of the remastering applied to the original 24bit/48Khz version from pgroove_fan seed on Dime (using Wavelab6 & HarBal) are as follows:
A: Fix phase issues
B: EQ / Compression / Limiting (-0.6dB max) / Dithering to 16bit (bass boost, tighten up the sound & increase average volume level from -19dB to -12dB)
C: Add silent lead-in & lead-out to WAV.
D: track split (with modifications to the original track break points)
Please note that this remaster reflects my own personal preferences with respect to listening to live shows. Remastering has been done to polish the raw master recording with the aim of enhancing the listening experience. So if you prefer virgin recordings, unspoiled by any such amateur 'dabbling' then do not join in on this one, you can still get the original recording on Dime; see above contrast clauses for links.
IMO for sound quality this is now a solid 9 out of 10 (= A-) an upgrade to the original and a real keeper ... but I would never put that in writing of course ... Doh! .. I just did ;-D
If you have any comments, whether positive, negative or otherwise, I would love to read them ... don't be a lurker, but hey! ... please don't flame me if you don't agree with my efforts ... & at least keep it 'nice' & friendly ;-)
Enjoy - Cuztard Pi - 5th May 2013
Rush - Nashville, TN 01.05.2013
Missing Lord Stanley in Nashville
Bridgestone Arena
Nashville, TN
CD compatible version
Source: Sound Professionals SP-CMC-9 > Naiant Littlebox > Edirol R09HR @ 48K/24b
Lineage: SD > PC > Audacity (fades, process down to 44.1K/16b) > CDWave (registered) > Trader's Little Helper (flac 8) > MP3
Taper: pgroove_fan
Set 1:
01) Subdivisions
02) The Big Money
03) Force 10
04) Blah Blah Blah
05) Grand Designs
06) Limelight
07) Territories
08) The Analog Kid
09) Bravado
10) Where's My Thing?/Drum Solo
11) Far Cry
Set 2:
01) Caravan
02) Clockwork Angels
03) Introduction of String Ensemble
04) The Anarchist
05) Carnies
06) The Wreckers
07) Headlong Flight
08) Halo Effect (with guitar solo intro)
09) Seven Cities Of Gold
10) Geddy speaks
11) The Garden
12) Manhattan Project
13) The Percussor (Electronic Drum Solo)
14) Red Sector A
15) YYZ
16) The Spirit Of Radio
17) Encore Applause
18) Tom Sawyer
19) 2112 Overture/Temples/Grand Finale
Recorded from the front row of the club level, just left of center. First loud show that I've used either the Naiant Littlebox or the CMC-9's for and I'm pleased with the overall sound. Using the Littlebox allowed me to nail the levels in house so no digital boost/cut was performed in production. The lack of bass response in these micro-mics is pretty obvious, though. Get yourselves ready to turn up the bass knob on your playback hardware! Wish I had the software and know-how to equalize this myself, but I'd rather upload the raw original than botch the mastering with audacity's limited EQ tool. Both 16 and 24 bit versions are being shared, so maybe someone experienced can take the 24 bit version and turn it into something nice for us.
My wife and I are season ticket holders with the Nashville Predators hockey club. Unfortunately the shortened NHL season didn't work out for our team and we missed the Stanley Cup Playoffs for only the second time in the last 9 seasons. Having a visit by these Canadian Rock All Stars took some of the sting out of our fouled up Spring. That's the source of this show's title, maybe someone in Carolina Hurricanes' land will have similar feelings about their show on 5/3.
Rolling Stones - Los Angeles, CA 20.05.2013 (4 songs w. Mick Taylor)
DSM6 -> R-09HR -> Soundforge -> FLAC -> MP3
01. -intro-
02. Get Off My Cloud
03. It's Only Rock 'N' Roll
04. Paint It Black
05. Gimme Shelter
06. All Down The Line
07. Far Away Eyes
08. Sway (with Mick Taylor)
09. Doom And Gloom
10. One More Shot
11. Can't You Hear Me Knocking (with Mick Taylor)
12. Honky Tonk Women
13. -band intros-
14. You Got The Silver
15. Before They Make Me Run
16. Midnight Rambler (with Mick Taylor)
17. Miss You
18. Start Me Up
19. Tumbling Dice
20. Brown Sugar
21. Sympathy For The Devil
22. You Can't Always Get What You Want (with USC Thornton Chamber Singers)
23. Jumpin' Jack Flash
24. Satisfaction (with Mick Taylor)
Sorry about the quality, cheap seats and I left the battery box out this time - I have gone thru 3 in the past 10 years and I don't feel like replacing another one so I won't abuse them by taking them into shows I have to sneak them into.
During Rambler I heard a burst of harmonica that didn't sound quite right. Notice the guy next to me is playing along. I move.
If I had an inkling that Mick Taylor would play more I might have sprung for a good ticket but I was almost ready to disown the tour. But I was able to sneak from my 2nd to last row in the rear corner to second to last row extreme side stage and just bounce around the section as needed.
Now on to some serious craziness which has nothing to do with anything.
Totally weird, crazy random moment long after the show. I was walking downtown and right on the sidewalk on Olympic between Figueroa and Flower something catches my eye.
It's a guitar pick. Unmistakeable KISS logo. On the other side the Gene Simmons sig. And another one. And another one. 4 total.
How the hell do 4 KISS pics end up on the sidewalk like that?
What the hell?
Was a major KISS fan right up til the 1996 reunion which just makes it all even stranger.
Paul DiAnno - Saarbruecken, Germany 23.05.2013 flac
Kleiner Klub
Saarbrücken, Germany
May 23, 2013
Source: Audience Zoom Q2HD Recording
Taped by: SF
Transferred by: SF
Sony Mic ECM 717 > Zoom H2 > 24/48 > CD Wave > dbpoweramp > 16/44 > Flac Level 8
Line Up:
Paul Di'Anno - Vocals
Chico Dehira - Guitar
Paulo Turin - Guitar
Felipe Andreoli - Bass
Aquiles Priester - Drums
01 Intro - Ides Of March
02 Sanctuary
03 Purgatory
04 Marshall Lockjaw
05 Murders In The Rue Morgue
06 Prowler
07 You´ve Been Kissed By The Wings Of An Angel Of Death
08 Children Of Madness
09 Running Free
10 Gengis Khan
11 Remember Tomorrow
12 Wrathchild
13 Faith Healer
14 A Song For You
15 Charlotte The Harlot
16 Transsylvania
17 Phantom Of The Opera
18 Encore Break
19 Killers
20 Blitzkrieg Bop
NOTES: SF Master Recording Series !
This Is Intended For Free Trade Only.
Do Not Buy Or Sell !
Support The Bands Buying Their Stuff !
Visit & Enjoy Forthcoming Shows !
flac :
mp3 :
Motorhead - Los Angeles, CA 14.05.2013
DSM6 -> R-09HR -> Soundforge -> FLAC -> MP3
01. I Know How To Die
02. Damage Case
03. Stay Clean
04. Metropolis
05. Over The Top
06. -guitar solo-
07. The Chase Is Better Than The Catch
08. Rock It
09. You Better Run
10. The One To Sing The Blues
11. -drum solo-
12. The One To Sing The Blues
13. Going To Brazil
14. Killed By Death (with Paul Inder)
15. Ace Of Spades
16. Are You Ready?
17. Overkill
Kinda short but some resurrected favorites from the early 90's such as You Better Run and possibly my favorite Motorhead song The One To Sing The Blues, with the drum solo conveniently separated for your listening pleasure.
Michael Schenker - Mannheim, Germany 05.05.2013 (Temple Of Rock)
Alte Seilerei
Mannheim, Germany
May 05, 2013
Source: Audience Zoom H2 Recording
Taped by: SF
Transferred by: SF
Sony Mic ECM 717 > Zoom H2 > 24/96 > CD Wave > dbpoweramp > 16/44 > Flac Level 8
Line Up:
Doogie White - Vocals (Ex-Rainbow/Yngwie Malmsteen)
Michael Schenker - Guitar (Ex-The Scorpions)
Francis Buchholz - Bass (Ex-The Scorpions)
Wayne Findlay Keyboars, Guitar (The Michael Schenker Group, Michael Schenker Temple Of Rock)
Herman Rarebell - Drums (Ex-The Scorpions)
01 Lovedrive (The Scorpions)
02 Another Piece Of Meat (The Scorpions)
03 Assault Attack (The Michael Schenker Group)
04 Armed And Ready (The Michael Schenker Group)
05 Into The Arena (The Michael Schenker Group)
06 Rock My Nights Away (The Michael Schenker Group)
07 Attack Of The Mad Axeman (The Michael Schenker Group)
08 Horizons (Michael Schenker Temple Of Rock)
09 Before The Devil Knows You're Dead (Michael Schenker Temple Of Rock)
10 Coast To Coast (The Scorpions)
11 Shoot Shoot (UFO)
12 Only You Can Rock Me (UFO)
13 Let It Roll (UFO)
14 Too Hot To Handle (UFO)
15 Lights Out (UFO)
16 Encore Break 1
17 Holiday (The Scorpions)
18 Rock You Like A Hurricane (The Scorpions)
19 Rock Bottom (UFO)
20 Encore Break 2
21 Blackout (The Scorpions)
22 Doctor Doctor (UFO)
NOTES: SF Master Recording Series !
This Is Intended For Free Trade Only.
Do Not Buy Or Sell !
Support The Bands Buying Their Stuff !
Visit & Enjoy Forthcoming Shows !
Blue Oyster Cult - Richardson, TX 18.05.2013
Blue Oyster Cult
Galatyn Park
Wildflower Art and Music Festival
Viewpoint Bank Stage
Richardson, TX
Saturday 2013-05-18
16/44.1 Version
Lineage: Zoom H2 (Internal 90 degree mics) > SD Card > WAV 24/48 > HD > DB Powwer Amp > 16/44.1 > Wav split > TLH > Flac > MP3
Set list
01 The Red & The Black
02 Golden Age of Leather
03 Burnin' for You
04 Band Introductions
05 Shooting Shark
06 ME 262
07 Black Blade
08 Then Came the Last Days of May
09 Godzilla (Part of Joan Jett's "I Love Rock and Roll" Todd Rundgren's "Bang on the Drum" and Meatloaf's "Paradise By The Dashboards Lights")/Bass Solo/Drum Solo(Cut)
10 Drum Solo(Continued with the end of "Godzilla")
11 (Don't Fear) The Reaper
BOC came on stage at about 6:30 and was not as loud as the other bands that day. You may need to turn it up. There is a cut in the drum solo during Godzilla but it continues on the next track.
Do not sell this recording
Blue Oyster Cult - Cocont Creek, FL 10.05.2013
Blue Oyster Cult
Coconut Creek, Florida
The Pavillion
Seminole Casino
May 10, 2013
Source: Schoeps MK5 Cards - Nbob Actives - Naiant Tinybox 2.2 Transfo Out - Sony M10 (24-48)
Transfer: Micro SD card > wav file > coolEdit > Normalize-Downsample > CD Wave Cut > TLH > FLAC level 8 & Align on SB > MP3
Recording Location: 5th row right in fron of stacks
Recorded by: Datfly
01. Intro
02. The Red And Black
03. Golden Age of Leather
04. Burnin' for You
05. Shooting Shark
06. The Vigil
07. ME 262
08. Perfect Water
09. Black Blade
10. Last Days of May
11. Godzilla
12. Buck Guitar
13. (Don't Fear) The Reaper
14. Cities On Flame
May 11 2013
Buck looks like Bono now.
Eric Bloom has a James Hetfield look.
Kasim Sulton looks like Stephen Kings brother.
Nope. I wasn't smoking nothing!
Alice in Chains - Milwaukee, WI 15.05.2013 (S.2)
Alice in Chains
Eagles Ballroom
Milwaukee, WI
Contrast clause: Different from different equipment, location.
Taper: darktrain
Equip: Schoeps MK41's> Actives> Naiant Tinybox> Sony PCM-M10
Location: Left side, lined up with stack about 30-35ft back
Notes: After recording previous shows at the Eagles Ballroom from FOB, DFC and not thrilled with those recordings I
decided to try getting closer and more in line with one stack, in this venue I think this may be the way to go
even though it goes against conventional wisdom.
01-Angry Chair
02-It Ain't Like That
03-Check My Brain
05-Them Bones
06-Dam That River
08-Your Decision
10-Acid Bubble
11-Down in a Hole
13-We Die Young
15-No Excuses
16-Phantom Limb*
17-Encore Break
19-Man in the Box
*Live Debut
Alice in Chains - Milwaukee, WI 15.05.2013
Alice in Chains
Eagles Ballroom (The Rave)
Milwaukee, WI
May 15, 2013
Upped by TheOilman
[Moderator's note: a torrent of this same show is currently on but It is of a different capture on different equipment, so this contrast clause is necessary.]
Disc 1
Angry Chair
It Ain't Like That
Check My Brain
Them Bones
Your Decision
Acid Bubble
Down in a Hole
We Die Young
No Excuses
Disc 2
Phantom Limb (new song)
---encore break----
Man in the Box
Edirol R09HR - on board mics - 24 bit setting, dithered to 16 bit for this torrent.
About 15 feet out from left stack
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