Samstag, 31. August 2013
Rush - Nashville, TN 01.05.2013
Missing Lord Stanley in Nashville
Bridgestone Arena
Nashville, TN
CD compatible version
Source: Sound Professionals SP-CMC-9 > Naiant Littlebox > Edirol R09HR @ 48K/24b
Lineage: SD > PC > Audacity (fades, process down to 44.1K/16b) > CDWave (registered) > Trader's Little Helper (flac 8) > MP3
Taper: pgroove_fan
Set 1:
01) Subdivisions
02) The Big Money
03) Force 10
04) Blah Blah Blah
05) Grand Designs
06) Limelight
07) Territories
08) The Analog Kid
09) Bravado
10) Where's My Thing?/Drum Solo
11) Far Cry
Set 2:
01) Caravan
02) Clockwork Angels
03) Introduction of String Ensemble
04) The Anarchist
05) Carnies
06) The Wreckers
07) Headlong Flight
08) Halo Effect (with guitar solo intro)
09) Seven Cities Of Gold
10) Geddy speaks
11) The Garden
12) Manhattan Project
13) The Percussor (Electronic Drum Solo)
14) Red Sector A
15) YYZ
16) The Spirit Of Radio
17) Encore Applause
18) Tom Sawyer
19) 2112 Overture/Temples/Grand Finale
Recorded from the front row of the club level, just left of center. First loud show that I've used either the Naiant Littlebox or the CMC-9's for and I'm pleased with the overall sound. Using the Littlebox allowed me to nail the levels in house so no digital boost/cut was performed in production. The lack of bass response in these micro-mics is pretty obvious, though. Get yourselves ready to turn up the bass knob on your playback hardware! Wish I had the software and know-how to equalize this myself, but I'd rather upload the raw original than botch the mastering with audacity's limited EQ tool. Both 16 and 24 bit versions are being shared, so maybe someone experienced can take the 24 bit version and turn it into something nice for us.
My wife and I are season ticket holders with the Nashville Predators hockey club. Unfortunately the shortened NHL season didn't work out for our team and we missed the Stanley Cup Playoffs for only the second time in the last 9 seasons. Having a visit by these Canadian Rock All Stars took some of the sting out of our fouled up Spring. That's the source of this show's title, maybe someone in Carolina Hurricanes' land will have similar feelings about their show on 5/3.
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