Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2012
King Diamond - Norje, Sweden 09.06.2012
Norje, SWE
Sweden Rock Festival
source: Zoom H2 WAVE audience master
length: 82.41
quality: A-
Is it any wonder King played his triumphant returngig on the 9th? Or that the numbers in 12.06.09 add up to 18? I think not.
It was the show to end all shows. Perhaps not the BEST show I have ever seen but most certainly the most anticipated. I have longed for this my whole life, or so it seems. It took King two songs to find his way again, the voice is a little shaky in the beginning. After that we all felt together that yes - this i going to work. The audience loved him. He loved us back.
I feel honored and privileged to have witnessed this. During Halloween, when Mikkey and Denner joined, my eyes wet a bit. After the show I cried after having the tension and anticipation released at last.
Whatever comes after this will not count. I have stared right down the eyes of Satan. He grinned at me. I grinned back. We felt as one.
The candle
Welcome home
Matt Thompson - drum solo / Voodoo intro
At the graves*
Up from the grave
Let it be done
Sleepless nights
Shapes of black****
Come to the sabbath*****
The eye of the witch
The family ghost
The black horsemen
* First time live since 1990
** First time live ever
*** I can´t for the life of me find what song this is. I know most of the catalogue by heart but this one eludes me
**** First time live ever
***** Hank Shermann and Michael Poulsen (Volbeat) joins
****** Michael Denner and Mikkey Dee joins
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