Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2012
Sabaton - St. Paul, MN 15.05.2012
Station 4
St. Paul, MN, USA
May 15, 2012
Recorded by Hurricane62 from the front of stage.
Audio Technica SP-CMC-2 Cardioid Mics (sewn into shirt collar) -> SP-SPSB-11 Battery Box with Bass Rolloff set at 95 dB -> Sony PCM-M10 (44.1 MHz/16 bit) with Limiter ON and Low Pass Filter OFF -> WavePad (normalized & track splitting) -> converted to .flac using Traders Little Helper -> converted to .mp3.
Great show. Recording came out very good as well.
For audio samples, check out these two videos on YouTube - I synced this audio source to these videos that I shot with my small, handheld digital camera.
Primo Victoria
Cliffs Of Gallipoli
The Price Of A Mile
TOTAL TIME 1:12:18 (fits nicely on one CD)
01 Intro (1:21)
02 Ghost Division (4;04)
03 Uprising (4:40)
04 Joakim 40:1 Intro (1:03)
05 40:1 (4:21)
06 Joakim CoG Intro (0:46)
07 Cliffs Of Gallipoli (5:32)
08 Joakim Midway Intro (1:03)
09 Midway (2:35)
10 Joakim AoW Intro #4 (0:59)
11 Art Of War (4:25)
12 Joakim ItF Intro (0:43)
13 Into The Fire (3:10)
14 Carolus Rex (4:56)
15 Joakim Pagans Intro (1:35)
16 Swedish Pagans (3:53)
17 Joakim & Attero Intro (1:24)
18 Attero Dominatus (3:50)
19 Joakim TPoaM Intro (0:37)
20 The Price Of A Mile (5:23)
21 Joakim CoA Intro (1:36)
22 Coat Of Arms (3:05)
23 Encore Break (1:15)
24 Primo Victoria (4:03)
25 Joakim Metal Crue Intro (1:27)
26 Metal Crue (4:27)
This is a kick-ass show! Go and see Sabaton when they come near your area. And be sure to pick up their 2012 release, "Carolus Rex" (in English and Swedish) when it is released next week.
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